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《世界运行的真正逻辑》(节选)英汉翻译实践报告——科普类文本中介词与介词短语的翻译 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-02-02编辑:vicky点击率:283

论文字数:62522论文编号:org202401302225255074语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



xts and was familiar with the rigorous linguisticfeatures of popular science texts.After carefully analyzing the characteristics of thetexts and the difficulties in translation,the translator chose the book How The WorldReally Works for translation.After reading the whole text carefully and grasping theoverall content,the translator attached great attention to the accuracy and fluency ofthe overall expression,and considered the choice of words and sentences many timesto express the meaning of the original text as accurately as possible.

When translating popular science texts,the translator should start from twoperspectives,namely,vocabulary and professional knowledge.Reading a largenumber of parallel texts related to the source text can make up for the lack ofvocabulary and professional knowledge,and find more vivid and authenticexpressions in the original text,enrich the translator’s expression as well as betterunderstand the word characteristics and formality of scientific and technological texts.

Before translation,the translator understood the content of the text in advance byreading Chinese books and papers similar to the topics involved in the original text,soas to acquire background knowledge and professional expertise of the text,which canalso accumulate a large number of valuable professional terms.The translatorconsulted a large number of materials related to energy and fuel through internetplatforms such as CNKI,Google and Wikipedia,which has greatly increased thetranslator’s knowledge reserve in this area.

2.2 Translation Process

After determining the theme and text type of the original text,the translatorstarted from the linguistic features of the text and attached great attention to thenarration of objective facts and the argumentation of viewpoints,in view of the factthat it is originally a popular science text with strong emphasis on the function ofinformation transmission.Therefore,the translator adopted the translation instructionof being faithful to the original text.There are a large number of prepositions andprepositional phrases in the original text.Due to essential differences betweenChinese and English,it is necessary to adopt special translation methods for theseprepositions and prepositional phrases.After analyzing the difficulties of translationmaterials carefully,the translator began to translate.During this period,the translatorkept close communication with the supervisor.The specific translation process isshown in the table below.


3 Case Analysis ...................................... 14

3.1 Theoretical Framework ................................... 14

3.1.1 Introduction to Catford’s Category Shifts Theory ..................... 14

3.1.2 Application of Catford’s Translation Shifts Theory in Translating Popular Science Text ........................ 18

4 Conclusion ................................. 49

4.1 Major Findings of the Study ............................ 49

4.2 Limitations of the Study ............................ 51

4.3 Suggestions for Future Studies ............................. 52

3 Case Analysis

3.1 Theoretical Framework

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