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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2017-09-13编辑:lgg点击率:6390

论文字数:38596论文编号:org201709052034285582语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Research Background
With the rapid development of economic globalization and international shippingindustry, shipping market has put forward higher requirements on the seafarers inaspects of English competence. English level has become an important indicator tomeasure the quality of the seafarers, and many companies have enhanced theirstandards in English during the job interview. After graduating from maritime college,the majority of the students will work on the ocean-going vessels, which requires astrong communicative competence in English. However, the English of the students inmaritime vocational colleges is poor. They cannot express themselves clearly. Theyare not able to communicate using the standard international shipping terms. All theseproblems impair the students’ confidence and learning initiative and also decreasetheir learning efficiency. Nowadays, many international safety conventions andamendments has been developed in response to accidents with highly adverseconsequences. About eighty percent of these accidents are caused by human errors.The present maritime English listening and speaking requires a new teaching model.In 2010, the International Maritime Organization in Manila, Philippines passedamendments to the STCW convention. The amendments put forward higherrequirements to the English, especially on the seafarers’ English proficiency andcommunicative competence. In order to adapt to the new requirements of crewlanguage communication competence and achieve the standard of certification andevaluation, the domestic maritime colleges and universities have reformed MaritimeEnglish Teaching in recent years through the renewal of teaching ideas, which hasmade some achievements and breakthroughs.

1.2 Method and Purpose of the Study
The method of this study is quantitative research. The research tools such asquestionnaire and teaching experiment will be used in my research.The teaching approaches of this study are composed of situational teaching method,task-based teaching approach, collaborative learning method and constructivismteaching method. I will use written, video or audio materials to construct relevantbackground knowledge in the mind and to take part in the preset situations.The purpose of this study is to develop a maritime English listening and speakingteaching model appropriate to college students who are not good at English in highschool. First there must be adequate language input into students, then teachersinstruct them in certain situations and finally give rise to language output. It isessential to familiarize students with the characteristics of English pronunciation invariable foreign ports. The repeated input and output in listening and speaking courseand the consecutive practice after class make students gradually form independentEnglish thinking and further achieve the ship business communication.

Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 The Relevant Studies
There are various viewpoints about the Teaching of Maritime Oral English orEnglish Listening and Speaking and several problems in previous study.Liu Maoling (2009) put forward the PSR theory in her study which had a goodeffect in oral English teaching. Most of the students who were afraid to speak Englishbefore are more willing to speak English and the students who would like to speak inthe past become more fluen论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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