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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-03-13编辑:hynh1021点击率:6853

论文字数:16900论文编号:org201303102150094700语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文




   “美国梦”可以追溯到第十八世纪中国的向往。许多中国人,尤其是在中国改革开放政策的实施,都倾向于选择去美国,在那一刻,中国寻找黄金,而如今,越来越多的人去那儿是为了他们的教育和职业,Chinese yearning for “American dreams” could trace back to the 18th century. Many Chinese, especially after Chinese reform and open up policy carried out, are inclined to choose to go to the US, at that moment, Chinese searched for gold, and nowadays, more and more go to the US for their education and careers, and entertaining themselves is also a good option for Chinese, in particular, Chinese tourism industry develops very well, Chinese are eager to experience in America. https://www.51lunwen.org/zhixiwenhuachayi/ On the other hand, in some aspects, the US could be a pioneer; China could treat the U.S. as a reference. Today the U.S. and China communicate closely day by day, and so do Americans and Chinese.
   Entering the 21th century, China has a great change, in some aspects, China has been in the international front rank, especially in the economic construction, so that the lives of Chinese people become better than before, people are not only assured to feed themselves and also they have more funds to do what they like to.
   China and the U.S., the two large economic entities in the world, have many opportunities to cooperate. The U.S. is a developed country, Americans live a happy life in it, and Americans are richer than Chinese, so it is normal that Chinese people pursue American styles. And for Chinese, they spare more their time to entertain themselves, they would like to live like Americans.
    The body of this thesis mainly consists of three chapters.
    The paper comes up with the main issue, the different concepts on entertainment consumption between Chinese and Americans. At first, the paper talks on the backgrounds about the necessary conditions to make sure that people are able to seek high level consumption. Then it analysis the reasons that result in the differences from different aspects, and making a deeper sense that why Chinese and Americans have a big gap on thoughts, the part talks it on geography, society and ethics. At last, it talks on the prospects of the development of entertainment consumption. Even though there are still problems existing, China and the U.S. have to face some challenges, after the Crisis, everything is in a chaos, the market is potential, China and the U.S. should develop the advantages to compete and win the maximum benefit in future.
   In conclusion, the writer claims:
    1. Compared with Americans, even China has made a big progress, Chinese should realize the miss distance from Americans, Chinese should pursue their entertainment according to their national conditions.
    2. The government should coordinate different economic class to have suitable consumption. Different classes have to rely on their real ability to search for their entertainment.
    3. Entertainment consumption is a part of national consumption. Comparing Americans to Chinese, no matter Chinese or the government should have a general sense to adjust the pattern of consumption.‘


   人们应该认识到,美国消费者的高消费模式和生活方式,也取决于国家的自然资源,广泛地依赖其他国家的资源,并把它作为他们的生产和种植基地的材料费用。People should realize that American consumers’ high expense pattern and life style, also depend upon natural resources in country, and widely论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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