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The difference for wedding customs between China and the United States


ChapterⅠ Introduction 第一部分 简介

The marriage concept between China and America is different from each other, which reflects in many aspects. With the development of economy and technology, Chinese marriage concept is gradually changing. However, we always hear this: both boys and girls should get married when they grow older enough. Undoubtedly, it is Chinese old tradition to get married whether they are poor or rich. It is totally hard to understand for the westerners, especially the Americans. Because they think marriage is sacred.
 It is well known that the world today is trending towards globalization, and the development of relations among different countries becomes more interlinked. While the marriage, a kind of important trans-culture form in world tendency, becomes more complex, marriage is formed in a long historical evolution of the marriage cultures in a nation. Marriage is the first human relation since ancient times;we can get a clearer understanding of the human history,and explore the development of human society’s basic law through the intricate and beautiful wedding. As China’s reform and opening up and economic construction, the western society develops rapidly, so more and more international communications take place today. In this case, the communication between countries is also increasing, which provides us with a lot of opportunities for exchanges and contacts with foreigners. But in such a world that economics and culture develop rapidly, various scholars have wide divided opinions about how the marital cultural difference is formed.

Chapter II Different Purposes in Two Different Cultures 第二部分 在两种不同文化下的不同目的

Different marriage concept firstly reflects in different purposes in marriage. Someone says that marriage is more like a business to Chinese who have to manage marriage. Different people have different purposes in such a marriage. So Chinese people try their best to manage marriage for their purposes.

Chapter IV Differences in Chinese and American Wedding 第四部分 中美婚礼的区别

Marriage as a human institution exists in all major civilizations since the beginning of time. It also has some changes in the passage of time. In tradition, marriage and monasticism go hand in hand, and are both considered holy in the service of God and his people. Most weddings contain wedding vows and a proclamation of marriage in the west, usually by the officiant. Most weddings also involve wearing traditional clothes, like kilt, white gown, red dress etc. A wedding is often followed or accompanied by a wedding reception. Other elements may include music, poetry, prayer or scripture. Some elements of the traditional western wedding ceremony are symbolic of the bride's departure from her father’s control and entry into a new family with her future husband.

Chapter V Conclusion 第五部分 总结

According to the comparisons, we have more knowledge of the differences between Chinese and American marriage concept and reasons for these differences. Meantime, we are familiar with background and histor论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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