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中美文化差异对我国外贸行业的影响 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2014-05-25编辑:lzm点击率:19612

论文字数:4834论文编号:org201405251118036468语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:中美文化差异对外贸行业的影响Cultural DifferencesChina and AmericaForeign Trade in China

摘要:This thesis is to draw attention to the influence of culture difference between China and America to foreign trade in China. With China's accession to the World Trade Organization, the nation has speeded up the process of opening up to the outside world.

international trade. For example, if we sell beef to India we may meet criticism from Hindu. For the same reason, Muslims will never buy your pork no matter how hard you try to market it and consequently you offend them, which might influence your future business relationship. For instance, years ago a Chinese shoe company is going to export its shoes to an Arabian country. After finish producing in accordance with the purchase order, the Arabian businessman checked the samples and claimed the shoes unacceptable. The reason is that the pattern on the shoe soles is stars and moons, which are holy symbols to the Islamic people. So how dare they tread the star and moon? This is a typical example, and it reminds us to attach more importance on religious beliefs.
2.2.3 Value Differences in Sino-American Cultures
Value is the principles, standards, or quality which guides human actions. It defines what is right and what is wrong, or it can be described as a preference upon all. Different countries or nations are sure to have discrepancies in their values. Most Americans hold the value that "time is money", thus they emphasize the working efficiency as a critical goal. When doing business negotiations, the Americans prefer to make it straight forward to the business without delaying, since time is so precious. Time dominates how meetings are planned, telephones are made and meals are scheduled. They will tend to be impatient when the process of negotiation slows down. While the Americans are doing business right away, the Arabians may regard their business behaviors impolite and rude. Punctuality is the same but reflects different reality. We all know time is money but when there is a conference, Germans usually arrive 5 minutes early and Spanish nationals will arrive 15 minutes late, although each will consider themselves to be on time.  International businessman need to understand this cultural difference.

There is another aspect of time, called “the use of time”. The American and Northern European have a linear time concept. These societies are referred to as Time-Bound societies. Southern Europeans and Arabs regard time in a linear way but try to handle more things at the same time, known as “multi-active time”. And then there is the Asian “cyclical” view of time. Asians think time will come around again when it passes away,

 along with its opportunities and risks. Plus, we Chinese may agree with the Arabians more, since we are influenced by Confucianism-Think 3 times before you act. Differences in pace of life and in time view will affect decision-making process when negotiating in intercultural business conferences, and thus lead to different business behaviors.
Apart from the concept toward time, there are also various elements of values that have the same influence, such as aesthetic perception, ethics and so on. They are all important basics when designing products, planning promotions and commercials or making business negotiations. In fact, we can describe the atmosphere as kind of “space”. It is a big concern in intercultural communications. When someone has a conversation with a foreign business partner, the space between them is referred to their personal boundary. Ignorance of cultural difference can lead to negative impressions from the other side.
2.2.4 Family Differences in Sino-American Cultures<论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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