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中国和美国的慈善文化之间的差异 On Differences Between Chinese and American Charity Culture [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2014-07-02编辑:felicia点击率:24992

论文字数:7456论文编号:org201407021354481084语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:charity culturecomprisonmodern civilizationmoral developmenthuman civilization


ription. Carnegie to the concept of wealth directly affect the development of modern American culture, charity, and that a study of small strokes.

As seen from the current research in the field and more inclined to research from the charity differences in culture and causes, but from a historical perspective to explain the ideological line of cultural influences to explain the causes of differences in the overall macro-style study less.

(3).2 The basic difference between the system

The economic base determines the superstructure, Huangjia Yao (2008) pointed out that from an economic point of view, and patriarchal, "determines the small-family charity, has restrained the Confucian cultural characteristics charity, charity is limited to the ethics of sexual activity between blood kinship" and "Western formation and development of peoples and nations of Western history, the generation of culture-based charity. " Difficult immigration process so that all ethnic groups to form a "mutual economic and cultural," and laid the foundation of U.S. philanthropy

Political system a tremendous impact on the philanthropic culture, Anhui River (2005), mainly attributed to the difference between benevolent and individualism, Huangjia Yao (2008) from the benevolent idea of the impact of the system of official position, said: "'monarchical supremacy'" turns into a government-run charitable mindset, the public welfare and charity wholly owned by the terms of reference for the government, and "benevolent" pay attention to the "virtue", so under the feudal system to generate more charitable culture is a moral guide or call , but not binding or mandatory system of rules, and eventually impossible to generate public awareness and charity awareness. "On this basis, Yang Fang Fang (2009) specifically addressed the political culture and how to restrict charitable culture. American scholar Robert Mark Silverman (2002) in The Culture of Charity said that the U.S. charity culture should improve citizen participation in the political initiative to expand the public policy perspective author believes that the domestic scholars as the basis of summing up the political process into the existing U.S. charitable and cultural point of view will be clearer.

(3).3 behavior

Yang Fang Fang (2009) from the Sino-US charitable habits and mentality that "Americans are pragmatic and enterprising attitude and sense of responsibility to society in general, the formation of a strong community spirit and environmental good habits of charity." China follows the sequence structure of the local poor community so that "the Chinese principle of charity, often also from near and far, by pro-and sparse, which modern charity of 'ethical strangers' philanthropy, different."

As can be seen from the above analysis, the current research in the field by a single national research study to compare, from about the specific, from basic concepts to each other, has entered a mature stage. However, there are many deficiencies, I committed on the basis of previous studies on the Sino-US cultural differences and charitable causes further study, sum the difference, sort of charity during the Sino-US cultural patterns of the major, and summarizes the characteristics of their respective development论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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