
留学生硕士论文 英国论文 日语论文 澳洲论文 Turnitin剽窃检测 英语论文发表 留学中国 欧美文学特区 论文寄售中心 论文翻译中心 我要定制

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论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2012-03-26编辑:apple点击率:4968

论文字数:4065论文编号:org201203262123461101语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:免费论文





结构式英文摘要(Structured Abstract或OMRC Abstract)是目前为科技界所广泛采用的一种新型科研论文摘要。其特点是层次清楚,便于读者进行选择性查阅,便于作者书写,同时又不至于遗漏研究中的重要内容[1]。结构式英文摘要一般包括四个部分:目的(Objective)、方法(Methods)、结果(Results)和结论(Conclusion)。其基本格式参照下例:
【ABSTRACT】: Objective:To investigate the uniaxial mechanical properties of rheumatic mitral valves and analyze the pathophysiological changes in the biomechanical properties of the rheumatic valves.Methods:The uniaxial stretching test was radially and circumferentially performed on the anterior leaflets of 10 rheumatic mitral valves.ResultsThe anterior leaflets of the rheumatic mitral valves exhibited a stress hysteresis. Its propertyεin radial and circumferential direction was 0.109±0.021 and 0.103±0.015 respectively, and the property E in the two directions was (456±11.67)×103N/m2and (418±24.59)×103N/m2respectively.
There was no significant difference of extensibility between the circumferential and the radial direction (P>0.05).Conclusion:Being isotropic, the anterior leaflet of the rheumatic mitral valve is viscoelastic. Decreased mechanical function of the rheumatic mitral valve is the mechanical factor in the development of rheumatic heart disease.


1 目的(Objective)
目的部分要求简洁而准确地说明研究的目的,表明研究的范围和重要性。一般使用动词不定式结构进行表达。例如:例1:ObjectiveTo provide a new surgical method for the union of the acromial end of the clavicle.
例2:ObjectiveTo study the anatomical relationship between the neurovascular bundles passing through the common extensor tendon and lateral epicondylitis.


2 方法(Methods)
例1:MethodsThe course, branches and distribution of the acromial branch of the suprascapular artery that were perfused with red latex were observed on 40 half-cadavers.
例2:MethodsEighteen rabbits were randomly divided into sham, IP and ischemic reperfusion groups, with six rabbits in each group. In sham group, the abdominal cavities of 6 rabbits were opened, with the abdominal aorta being exposed 0.5 cm inferior to the left kidney, and the abdominal walls were then sutured. In ischemic reperfusion and IP groups, the same procedures were performed, followed by clamping of the aorta for 30 min in the former group, and repeated clamping for 5 min and two reperfusions for 10 min (preconditioning) in the latter group, followed by subsequent clamping for 30 min.


3 结果(Results)
例1:ResultsThe projective distance from the arch apex of SSC to the posterior wall and the anterior wall of IAM were 6.18±0.25 (5.11~7.23)mm and 13.23±0.47 (11.2~14.21)mm, respectively. The rectilineal distance from the arch apex of SSC to the posterior wall and the anterior wall of IAM were 7.03±0.26 (6.01~7.85)mm and 14.44±0.76(12.03~15.77)mm, respectively.
例2: ResultsThe anterior leaflets of the rheumatic mitral valves exhibited a stress hysteresis. Its propertyεin radial and circumferential direction was 0.109±0.021 and 0.103±0.015 respectively, and the property E in the two directions was (456±11.67)×103N/m2 and (418±24.59)×103N/m2 respectively. There was no significant difference of extensibility between the circumferential and the radial direction (P>0.05).

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