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德国会计专业硕士毕业论文On The Influence of Task Complexity and Time Pressure on Decision-Making

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-07-05编辑:tinkle点击率:6677

论文字数:8870论文编号:org201307051324455689语种:英语 English地区:德国价格:$ 132

关键词:Decision-MakingTask Complexity德国会计专业硕士毕业论文

摘要:德国会计专业硕士毕业论文On The Influence of Task Complexity and Time Pressure on Decision-Making:关于时间压力是在人们的决策行为的一个重要的情境因素。

论文题目:德国会计专业硕士毕业论文On The Influence of Task Complexity and Time Pressure on Decision-Making

德国会计专业硕士毕业论文On The Influence of Task Complexity and Time Pressure on Decision-Making

3.1 Definition (Time Pressure)

All acts of people are taking place in the time continuum, and also decision-making process is a time consuming process, so that time is the important resource for www.51lunwen.org/Accounting/ making the best decision. If having enough time, decision makers can as fully as possible to search information and take optimal strategies to solve the problem, but when the time is of tension, the individuals are in a state of stress, have to make temporary adjustments to strategy in order to deal with the problem, and thus the changes of decision-making process will undoubtedly influence quality of individuals' decision. In real life, all decision-making tasks are not absolutely without a time limit, only time length of the problem different, so it can be seen that time pressure is an important situational factor in people's decision-making behavior.

3.2 Effect of Time Pressure and Effect of Task Complexity
3.3 Decision – Making under Time Pressure


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