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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2015-11-24编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:5073

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The Standard Requirement Of Auditing 



The auditors face many issues when performing audit. The audit differs from industry to industry which makes it very difficult for an auditor to apply the same test to every industry. There are many audit firm which have been trying to resolve the issues but they are not full able to remove the issue. They can minimise the risk by taking better decisions and training their staff. But still there will be issue while performing audit and the reason for this is as industry is growing every day and due to the introduction of new technologies. KPMG is one the biggest firms who also provide audit services, they have a separate Department which only deals in the issues which are highlighted during the audit program. One of the main issues the auditors are having these days is Interpretation of rules and regulations.

对规则条例的解释——Interpretation of rules and regulations

When an auditor goes for an audit the client for whom the audit is going to be performed whether it is for a sole trader or for private limited company the expectations of the client is very high. This makes the auditor at a position where his decision will matter a lot and on his decisions many future decisions related to the company will be taken. So one of the major issues an auditor faces while performing an audit of a company is interpretation of rules and regulations. There are rules and regulations for almost everything same is the case with auditing. There are many rules and regulations of auditing and when the auditor can't properly interpret them, this is when the issue starts building. One of the major reason is the rules and regulations are not timely updated which makes it very difficult for an auditor to perform his duties up to the mark. There are many different scenarios in which it will be an issue for instance if an auditor does not know what are the rules and regulations of auditing he will not be able to perform audit properly, which will create issues. Then there is a case where the auditor knows what the rule and regulations are but he is not able to implement them and the reason for this is as some of the rules and regulations are very generic and they don't apply to every industry. In this type of situation the auditors will starts having issues and will not be able to perform audit up to the mark. Many companies have complex system which creates an issue for the auditor as he will not be able to interpret the rule and regulations properly. Then there are different rules and regulations of the companies where the audit will be perform obviously this will not be an issue where the company is listed and if following all the international

or national standard rules. But if a company has its own rules and regulations then there will be a论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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