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美国文化论文-英语中的文化学习《 Culture learning in English classroom teaching》

论文作者:英语论文网论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2012-03-28编辑:shayne fan点击率:6640

论文字数:1738论文编号:org201203281028122677语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:English teachingCulture learning

摘要:The belief in equality has had a strong effect on the family. In the U.S, “the master and the legal ruler have vanished”. The democratic idea of equality destroys much of the father’s status as ruler of the family and lessens the emotional distance between father and children.

Culture learning in English classroom teaching

(一)家庭文化 the  family culture
 Equality in the family
The belief in equality has had a strong effect on the family.
In the U.S, “the master and the legal ruler have vanished”. The democratic idea of equality destroys much of the father’s status as ruler of the family and lessens the emotional distance between father and children.
Children are given a lot of freedom to learn to be independent and self-reliant.
 “Leaving the nest”: Children are expected to “leave the nest” at about age eighteen.
 “Boomerang kids”: Those who have left the nest once but are now back again.
Too much democracy: decline in parental authority and children’s respect for their parents

(二) 英语教学文化 Classroom teaching
 Classroom teaching is the main approach for the students to learn the English culture, so it is important to incorporate culture into the English classroom. Then what principles should be followed while incorporating culture? Based on the middle school students’ real situation and the characteristics of English culture, the following principles should be followed.  
 1  Teach culture systematically. 
The students’ culture knowledge structure is limited if the teacher just incorporate culture knowledge according to the need of teaching content. When the teachers make a one-term or one-year teaching plan for English language knowledge teaching, they should also make a general plan for English culture teaching. The teachers are required to teach culture in the whole teaching process. Special introduction on some topics can be made, such as “body languages in English communication”, “different meanings of terms with colors in English and Chinese”.
 2  Teaching culture step by step
Teach culture in different phases. It refers to the incorporating of culture should give consideration to the learners’ age and their abilities of cognition. On the beginning level, the students can have a general understanding of the difference between the English culture and Chinese culture. The culture knowledge taught can be those closely-related with students’ daily life or those what can arouse the students’ interest in English learning. On the higher level of English learning, the students are encouraged to broaden their sight-field to improve their sensitivity over the difference between Chinese and English culture.
 3  Integrate other subjects in culture teaching
The integration of school curriculums is one feature of the curriculum reforms in many countries. English can be combined with other subjects. While choosing the content for culture teaching, teachers may combine the similar contents in other subject into his/her lessons, such as the content of world history and world geography. Such being the case, the students would be more interested in the teaching content. The integration of the different subjects helps students to learn well.
 4  The principle of serving for communication
Culture teaching must be commensurate with the dynamic aspects of culture. As Lessard-Clouston notes, students will indeed need to develop knowledge of and about the L2 or FL culture, but t论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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