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mba课程作业:Artek Green Series Business Plan

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:学期论文 termpaper登出时间:2011-01-05编辑:anne点击率:4269

论文字数:1634论文编号:org201101051557236297语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 33

关键词:Artek Green SeriesBusiness PlanEnglandInternational Sustainable Business

Artek is a famous furniture company in England. It contributes lot to environment protection and concern for climate and natural resources. Sustainability has always been Artek essential ideals both in terms of design and technical quality (https://www.artek.fi/company). In addition, considering the English are more and more concerned about environment protection, to design a series of green furniture for Artek will do well to this furniture company. That’s the reason for choosing Artek and designing this green product for it. Some key points about green furniture will be analyzed in the context. In addition, this green furniture is named as Artek Green Series.

The raw material chosen for Artek Green Series
The clean production of Artek Green Series
The cost of Artek Green Series
The pricing of Artek Green Series
The Artek Green Series Marketing strategy
The marketing channel of the Artek Green Series
The delivery of Artek Green Series
The recycling of Artek Green Series
1、Artek 2010. Art and Technology Since 1935. [online] Available at: https://www.artek.fi/company. [Accessed 2010].
2、Kaelble, S. 2004. Environmental considerations when selecting office furnishings, India, Indiana Business Magazine
3、Blackbv, 2006, Going Green with Bamboo Furniture. [online]  at: https://hubpages.com/hub/Going-Green-with-Bamboo-Furniture. [Accessed 2006].
4、Jacquelyn. A. 2004. Green Marketing: Opportunity for Innovation, America, BookSurge Publishing
5、Katharina, C. 2008. Beyond Green Marketing, France, VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller E.K.
6、Friend, G. 2009. The Truth about Green Business, France, FT Press
7、Grant, J. 2008. The Green Marketing Manifesto, America, Wiley.Inc
8、Esty, D. and Winston, A. 2009. Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage, America, Wiley.Inc
9、Estes, J. 2009. Smart Green: How to Implement Sustainable Business Practices in Any Industry - and Make Money, America, Wiley.Inc
10、Green-Furniture, 2010, Sustainable furniture for sustainable living. [online]  at: https://www.green-furniture.com [Accessed 2010].

论文题目:International Sustainable Business
您的研究方向:工商管理 MBA
您的学校背景:Cardiff University 在busines research排名第四,CARDIFF UNIVERSITY 的MBA则是全英最早开设一个课程。
字论文用途:mba课程作业 Assignment

是否需要盲审(博士或硕士生有这个需要):否补充要求和说明:1\choose a company or organisation 2\suggest an additional green product or service it could offer in the market.Write a 1500 word analysis of the company’s environmental performance and how this could be enhanced by the new product or service 3\In your analyses explain why the product or service is more sustainable and explain how it could be produced and marketed in the most sustainable way. Consider what the marketing approach could look like and also consider how the product or service might be distributed and delivered, as well as what happens at the end of its life or usefulness. 4\Your mark will depend on how well you argue your case for the new product or service, how well you design the environmentally optimised production, marketing and distribution of the product or service and how well your are able to support your argument with data from reliable (academic) sources. It is your job to sell it to us! 需要几个Reference或Bibliography(APA/MLA /Harvard)Reference 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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