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企业并购重组相关理论:M & A related theory

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2013-09-09编辑:yangcheng点击率:3331

论文字数:1214论文编号:org201309072315454029语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



1 , vision and strategy


M & M projects world-class companies have developed a clear vision of the objectives and requirements . Enterprises in the clear vision and objectives developed under the guidance of a clear strategy to create value through mergers and acquisitions . Generally speaking, a world-class full agreement of shareholders in mergers and acquisitions . Trading participants complete owners , partners or minority investment transactions between the structure and mode of operation is very clear.


Many large Chinese enterprises to develop a more clear vision and strategic goals , hoping to achieve through the acquisition of the company's business growth , diversify or expand upstream and downstream industry chain . Many company's strategy is to hope that through overseas acquisitions to enhance its international image. On the other hand , Chinese enterprises are still in the " going out" primary stage of overseas mergers and acquisitions and strategic vision is not clear, enforcement is not enough , cause a lot of damage to mergers and acquisitions to pursue short-term interests of the company 's long-term interests and value growth .

2 , target screening and assessment capabilities


M & A projects world-class leadership in corporate mergers and acquisitions and management team to explain to all stakeholders and to stimulate investment project vision goals. M & A companies to fully understand their financial strength , as well as regulatory and government regulations related issues. M & A business through rigorous evaluation mechanism to fully understand and assess the target company to confirm and quantify the value of the target company , while recognizing the need to consider the post-merger integration issues .

Many Chinese enterprises due to lack of clarity and enforcement strategy inefficient , resulting in project selection ranges from the target . Some companies set up strategic sectors , but due to the lack of familiarity and experience in international mergers and acquisitions rules executives , these departments can not afford screening and continuous monitoring of large number of potential target companies . This makes these Chinese companies over-reliance on consultants or investment banks to introduce them to investment projects , resulting in the international investment bank in front of a weak position .

3, the negotiation and implementation
M & M projects world-class companies understand the target company and its value, with clear decision-making processes. They have flexible negotiating tools , learn about other competitors, understand the timing advance and retreat , when should they persist or compromise the courage to give up trading .

Chinese enterprises in this regard the main problem is lack of experience. This is mainly due familiar with international rules and acquisitions less experienced personnel . Meanwhile, the Chinese enterprises in the language and culture, work, decision-maki论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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