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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:本科毕业论文 Thesis登出时间:2014-08-13编辑:felicia点击率:15335

论文字数:6338论文编号:org201408131357154186语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:员工的表现组织性绩效考核performanceproductivitysystematic evaluation







This chapter will give the reader with the clear background of research study, research question, research objectives, justification of research, organisation of study, research framework and brief overview of what will present later in the whole dissertation.

1.1. Background of research study:

All organizations evaluate the performance of their employees to find out their relative worth for the job they are doing. Performance is being related to the productivity, it is crucial for the organization to achieve its goals and objectives. Effective performance for the organization means that output can be maintained with fewer numbers of employees. Performing effectively is also of crucial importance to the employee because organizations can no longer tolerate poor performance, they (employees) are more likely to be dismissed. The effective management performance, therefore, is not only vital for the long-term survival of the organizations but is also a moral obligation on the employees.Performance appraisal is considered as the systematic evaluation of individuals to their performance on the job and their potentials for development (Dale S. Beach, 1980: 290).

Wendell French has defined performance appraisal as a systematic and periodic assessment of how employees are doing their jobs in relation to established norms and the communication of that kind of assessment to employees. It is a process of evaluation an employee's job performance with respect to its requirements.

A systematic performance appraisal provides information for making decisions about various issues such as promotions, pay increases, layoffs, training and development and transfers. It is management's powerful tool in controlling human resource and productivity. Managers can improve an employee's job performance through clarifying expectations and evaluating performance. Employees also, in general, prefer having some kind of appraisal to develop an appropriate vision of their own effectiveness and opportunities (Wood, 1988). Formal performance appraisal can meet the three needs, one of the organization and the other two of the individuals within the organization:

It provides systematic judgments to back up salary increase, transfer, demotion or termination.

It is the means of communicating to subordinates the behavior, attitudes, skills or job knowledge and let him know where he stands.

It is used as a base for coaching and counseling the individual by his superior

1.2. Selected organisation of study

Beginning of tea plantation in Nepal dates back to the year 1863, when Mr. Gajraj Singh Thapa, the 'Badahakim' (Chief论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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