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电影《铁血教练》概述 [5]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:书评影评 Book Report/Review, Movie Review登出时间:2016-04-23编辑:lily点击率:15360

论文字数:5068论文编号:org201604220935451261语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文



ent what can be considered as fair?

His decision deals with the agreement or the refusal to reinstate Cruz in the team.

Indeed, he had set to Cruz, goals that may seem excessive but fair vis-à-vis other players who had endured the same thing since Cruz had abandoned.

Setting less ambitious goals could have appeared unfair vis-à-vis the entire team, which would be a situation that Coach Carter could not accept.

Logically, as Cruz did not complete his contract, Coach Carter cannot agree to reintegrate him into the team.

The coach's decision is to keep to his course of action, i.e refusing Cruz who failed his contract. Maybe this decision is tough but it is fair vis-à-vis the rest of the team and it emphasises the discipline of the leader.

In a way we can consider that the coach is supported by his team since they decide to help Cruz finishing his sanction, what Coach Carter accepts, glad to see the team cohesion improved and involved.

The question that can be also asked is : Does Coach Carter would have definitely refused Cruz's return? Or did he act in the hope of a team's response to their teammate in trouble?

Scene 7: Respecting the opponent (47' m)

In this scene, the coach starts imitating the behaviour that players had during the previous match when they humiliated their opponents after points scored. Therefore the coach congratulates himself during the training for each basket scored by the team.

This exaggerated behaviour allows him to show how ridiculous they seemed.

He shows to the team the attitude they had before towards their opponent and says that by acting like this, they distort the spirit of sport and the Richmond values.

It may be noted that the coach creates this awareness by questioning the players (example: What gives you the right to ..., etc.). Using this technique, he encourages players asking themselves questions and stepping into a process of reflection, which is much more effective than if he had just made a long speech, for which they perhaps would have not felt concerned. Actually in doing so, he allows them to identify the problems they have and so to arrive to resolve it thereafter.

Finally, in order they keep in mind their bad behaviours, he punishes everyone with 500 push-ups...

This admonition is especially to teach the players some fundamental values : here, the respect. The coach's vision of the team requires that players are more than mere basketball players but real men, able to act as such and it is towards this objective he wants to lead them.

Scene 8: Checking commitment (49' m)

At the beginning of the scene, as earlier, Coach Carter tries to instil respect to players after one of them used the word 'nigger' talking about Junior Battle. The coach forbids them to use that word in his presence and explains his position, trying also to sensibilize the players as most of them are African Americans.

In order to be sure that this 'lesson' is well understood, he encourages everyone to validate that they will not use that word in his presence.

Once this parenthesis closed, he encourages players to wonder about their future, he wants to give them a vision of themselves in the future in order to have objectives, a dream 'You have to have a visi论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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