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电影《铁血教练》概述 [7]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:书评影评 Book Report/Review, Movie Review登出时间:2016-04-23编辑:lily点击率:15358

论文字数:5068论文编号:org201604220935451261语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文



ze a mistake and stand against a higher authority.

Scene 11 : Meeting following the lockout (1' 27' min)

Still in the library, while the lockout is becoming increasingly serious, the coach gives details of his position to the players who believe that he acts in order to highlight himself.

He then gives results about students' fate at Richmond : only 6% go to college and 33% of African Americans go to prison.

He also leads them to get involved by asking them to watch their classmates, watch their lives and of their parents' ones.

Finally, the coach asks them to wonder if they want to do better and give them appointments the next day if the answer is yes. He also involved himself promising to do everything he can do in order they go to college and have a better life.

Once again the coach tries to imply them in order to be sure that they share the vision he has for them. He wants them to join this vision to continue to move forward. If players do not agree with this vision they would reach no results. The way the Coach is asking for making a decision is very inspired by leadership in the way he creates an ultimatum. The players have the choice, it is up to them to come back or not. There is no physical or moral constraint, only the desire of getting involved in their empowerment or not.

Scene 12 : Altercation (1' 33' m)

While the coach is quietly in his car speaking with his son, who is also a player of his team, he is taken left by two persons.

One of him asks to the coach to dim his window to talk to him. It is there that he acts in a virulent way because he asks him to let the players of Richmond take back the road of the gym by spitting him above through the window.

At this moment, the coach loses his self-control and goes out violently from the car. He asks to the aggressor to go out also of the car so that they can discuss it man to man while manhandling this last one remained sat in the car.

Watching it, his son quickly goes out of the car to calm the spirits and especially his father who becomes the opposite of what he always taught him as father and as coach of basketball. The other car takes advantage of it to leave while the son reasons his father with his own educations. During this episode, the coach lost his leader's status for the benefit of his son who better knew managed the situation by considering what his father inculcated him. His mistake had to be too much influenced by emotions and anger. A good leader has to be in control of his emotions.

Scene 13 : Meeting with the council (1' 39' m)

The council evokes that the state requires a balanced cumulative average of 2 points for the students making activities extracurricular. With the new coach arrival, this average is of 2.3 as well as the other conditions (attend classes, sit in the first row of their class and carry a tie in the daytime of match). Once he puts in the light, the council asks when he planned to end up this lockout and allow the return of trainings and championship. For any answer, the coach under the indignation of all the assistance of the room explained that there would be no basketball as long as the team does not manage to honour the clause concerning the average of 2.3.

In front of general uprising the board of directors of the school leaves th论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。


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