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不同的城市贫困问题的解决方案报告:A Report on Different Solutions to Urban Poverty

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2012-10-30编辑:anne点击率:2807

论文字数:1446论文编号:org201210291455576888语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 33

关键词:Urban Povertyurban phenomenonurban economics


1. Introduction

Historically, poverty has been concentrated in rural areas while with the increasing migration into cities, it is becoming a notable urban phenomenon. To provide necessary solutions to urban poverty, a thorough understanding of it is very essential. However, about the definition of urban poverty, there is no absolute explanation to it, but the interpretations of economy and anthropology are the most prevalent approaches to complement (Masika, Haan & Baden, 1997). As for economic definitions, are measured by income or consumption added to other social indicators, including life expectancy,Economics infant mortality, expenses on food and nutrition, literacy, enrolment rates of school, the proportion of healthy clinics and drinking water to range poor groups based on a common material index.  The interpretations made by rural anthropologists and social planners widen the definition of urban poverty which covers conceptions of non-material, deprivation and social reflection (Wratten 1995; Satterthwaite 1995a). In this report, I will present the general problems of urban poverty first and then provides necessary solutions to urban poverty in following passages.


2. Problems Faced by Urban Poverty
An View of Problems of Urban Poverty
3. Solutions to Urban Poverty
Immigration and Settlement
4. Conclusion


Frances Lankin, President and CEO, Two Solutions for Urban Poverty, United Way of Greater Toronto. Available online at:
Masika, R., de Haan, A. & Baden, S. (1997) Urbanization and urban poverty: a gender analysis. BRIDGE, Report No 54. Available online at:
Perlman, J., Hopkins, E. & Jonsson, A. (1998) Urban solutions at the poverty/environment intersection. Available online at: Practical Action (2008) Urban Poverty. Available online at:
Satterthwaite, D., 1995a, ‘The under-estimation and misrepresentation of urban poverty’ in IIED, 1995, ‘Urban poverty: Characteristics, causes and consequences’ in Environment and urbanization, Vol 7 No 1

World Resources 1996-97, p. 12, The World Resource Institute et al., New York, 1996.

Wratten, E., 1995, ‘Conceptualising urban poverty’, in IIED, 1995, ‘Urban poverty: characteristics, causes and consequences’, Environment and Urbanization, Vol 7 No 1



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