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在中国的人民币汇率和股价之间的相关性研究essay example:The study of the correlativity between RMB exchange rate and share price in China

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-12-15编辑:anne点击率:7309

论文字数:15975论文编号:org201212151703048111语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 132

关键词:人民币汇率股价essay examplecorrelativityRMB exchange rateshare price

摘要:The dissertation takes the correlativity between the RMB exchange rate fluctuation after the reform of exchange rate system and stock market changes in China as the research object.论文以人民币之间的汇率波动的相关性,改革后的汇率制度和股市的变化,中国作为研究对象。



It has the close relationship with the current economic situation in China. The two macroeconomic main characteristics are RMB appreciation and securities markets rose whose relationship analysis can help clear off the macroeconomic variables’ conduction mechanism in our country. Economics essay example In the current study, China's previous exchange controls and the development of capital market is not perfect and the literature of the exchange rate and the price of the stock market research is less, so this dissertation can help to make up for the deficiency of the existing research.
Since July 21, 2005 and the reform of RMB exchange rate, RMB exchange rate decision basis has changed from a single aim at the dollar to total money elastic exchange rate system. after the reform of the exchange rate system, China's foreign exchange market emerged three main features: ①the RMB exchange rate has appreciated slowly, amplitude increases gradually, during the time it exists two-way fluctuations and elastic gradually strengthened; ②outside trading products enrich gradually; ③The transaction unit is expanding fast. Due to the reform of the RMB exchange rate mechanism makes the RMB rate marketization level to greatly improve. Although the current exchange rate level can't fully reflect the market supply and demand, it can achieve on the more accurate understanding of China's economic situation itself through the analysis of the performance of the RMB exchange rate.
China is in the stage of the reform of the RMB exchange rate system and the perfection of the stock market. In China the capital market is not opening completely to the outside world, but foreign capital can enter the Chinese market by all sorts of ways and produce influence on the share price. At the same time with the deepening reform of the foreign exchange rate and the gradually improve of capital account opening degree, the external factors have a more and more great influence on China's stock market and make it much more relationship with other main stock market. In China the stock market changes will produce much stronger impact on the world stock market. On the other side the linkage’s enhancing and capital account’s opening gradually promote the internationalization of RMB and will be helpful for RMB exchange rate marketization reform. This dissertation analyzes the degree of correlativity between RMB exchange rate volatility and stock market changes in China by analysis of the relationship between RMB exchange rate and stock market and international experiments. It aims to find the linkage of RMB exchange rate and share price, which can play a role to policy in China. Therefore the relevance of stock market and exchange rate is a value research.


Literature review
1.1 Exchange rate and share price relationship research
1.1.1 There is correlation between the exchange rate and share prices
1.1.2 There is weak correlation between the exchange rate and share price.
1.1.3 The relevant research in China
1.2 The interrelationship between exchange rate and share price
1.2.1 The impact of RMB exchange rate on share price
1.2.2 The impact of share price on RMB exchange rate
1.3 Exchange rate and share price 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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