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广州市城镇住房保障制度的政策研究Guangzhou urban housing security system policy research

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2013-10-29编辑:yangcheng点击率:4769

论文字数:1355论文编号:org201310221052355545语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



At present , China's urbanization process faster, more urban floating population in urban housing problems of low-income groups has become an urgent need to solve a problem , but also by concerns of the community . Urban affordable housing system is a government-led , take a variety of forms of subsidies for urban residents in low-income groups solve their housing problems and the establishment of housing supply , distribution, management and a series of system and system of rules . The construction of this system can effectively solve Guangzhou City, the housing problems of low-income groups , so it is the community and the majority of residents sent to higher expectations.

Guangzhou is China's earliest established in one of the cities of low-income housing security , housing security work has been walking in the forefront of the country , after 20 years of development, has made some achievements , the basic set of public rental , affordable housing , limited price of housing , real estate consisting of four housing security system. Guangzhou Municipal Government in response to the state of continuous improvement of affordable housing policy, adopted a series of measures to strive in 2013 to basically solve the city 's existing housing difficulties of low-income families to improve the quality of life, reduce inequality .

In China 's economic system for decades , the Guangzhou to become a testing ground for the reform and opening up , a significant change in the urban economy , while Guangzhou 's housing security system has also been carried out to explore and perfect , from the initial predicament housing construction, to Anju , changes in affordable housing , and then to control the excessive growth of the real estate industry and the introduction of limit room , and now a multi-level housing security system architecture , development and construction of low-income housing needs to adapt to affordable housing complex , solve the housing difficulties of low-income persons , to explore "Housing " road.

 通过广州市住房保障体系的政策研究,审查,广州市住房保障发展过程中,了解,广州市住房保障建设所取得的成就和特点,更好地把握当前的住房需求的群体,各级住房更好的保护,无论是平局国家的经验和做法,进一步完善住房保障体系在广州的政策,丰富和发展我们的城市住房保障研究的理论和实践。Through the Guangzhou City housing security system policy research , review , Guangzhou City housing security development process, understand the Guangzhou City housing security building on achievements and characteristics , to better grasp the current housing needs of groups at all levels , both draw on housing better protection of national experiences and practices , to further improve housing security system in Guangzhou policies , enrich and develop our cities housing security research theory and practice.

我希望通过这次调研,广州市中低收入群体,特别是弱势群体的住房问题,可以进一步当地政府和社会各界的关注。此外,为了有效地解决城镇居民的住房保障问题,不仅有利于推进社会保障制度改革和制度的完善,但也为住房市场的健康发展起着重要的作用。Through this research , I hope Guangzhou City in low-income groups, especially the housing problems of underprivileged groups can be further local government and community concerns. In addition, to effectively solve the problem of housing security of urban residents will not only help promote the social security system reform and improvement of the system , but also for the healthy development of the housing market plays an important role .


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