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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2016-01-03编辑:pesix-xjnz点击率:6122

论文字数:2290论文编号:org201511081707594352语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文

关键词:联邦储备经济预测mutual funds










绿色分析银行的经济预测-Economic Forecasting At Bank Of Green Analysis Finance Essay

Bank of Green is a mid-tier regional bank, focused primarily on consumer and small business lending. Historically the bank has funded its loans through traditional bank deposits. However, given the rapid development in convenience of mutual funds and online investing, the bank has shifted its focus offering a larger range of financial products and advice to its high-end customers. This included offering its own mutual funds, annuity and insurance products from other companies, and financial planning.

The purpose of this report is to provide a focus on spreading awareness about the current economical situation and planning an effective way to counter it. We need to come up with a strategy that is necessary for the Bank of Green. Our responsibility is to highlight aspects that need to be located and changed in order to achieve the current economical situation and counter the forecasted decline in the economy.

First, we? analyzed the historical performance of the economy given by the Bank of Green. Using that data we compared the growth rates of the economy comparing them to the past years. Next, we provided our strategy that will be effective and what we expect the Federal Reserve to follow, using the aggregate demand and supply. Then, we looked into how it will affect the interest rates when there is a change in the money supply. In addition, we took into account how it will affect the investors that deal with Bank of Green.

We concluded if the Federal Reserve does implement action towards the weak economy, it will have a ripple down effect to any bank including the Bank of Green. A bank representative should be prepared to answer any questions that might arise during the day of work including the ones we have prepared in this report.

绿色分析银行的经济预测-Economic Forecasting At Bank of Green Analysis


In order to properly analyze and explain how Bank of Green should take immediate action to counter the forecasted decline in the economy we will look at the different factors that played into their decision making by:
Comparing 2006 data with historical data and comparing the growth rates since 1990.
Discussing the strategy the Federal Reserve to follow and predict what it will do and analyze strategy using aggregate demand-aggregate supply.
Discuss the impact change in money supply will have on interest rates and how the Fed will apply the change.
Deciding the effects on investors if the Federal government stepped in.
Applying strategic thinking unto their decision making.
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