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留学生论文网:Anti-arbitration injunction for breach arbitration agreement:Anti-arbitration injunctions: when can the courts intervene?

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:案例分析 Case Study登出时间:2011-01-17编辑:anterran点击率:3358

论文字数:1612论文编号:org201101171013549784语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:$ 66

关键词:Anti-arbitration injunctionbreach arbitration agreementwhen can the courts interveneEnglish courts’

Anti-arbitration injunctions: when can the courts intervene?

Written by Paul Friedman
留学生论文网First published in the Commercial Litigation Journal, July 07
Elektrim S.A. v Vivendi Universal S.A. et al[1]
The English courts’ support of arbitration and their willingness to restrain proceedings brought in breach of an arbitration agreement was demonstrated recently in the House of Lord’s decision in West Tankers v RAS[2]. There, the Law Lords noted that commercial parties choose arbitration as a means of bringing themselves outside the procedures of any national court and argued that the parties’ right to choose should be protected. In a wider context, it felt that, in order for the European Community to be able to compete internationally, it must retain the right to restrain parties from acting in breach of arbitration agreements (such a right being exercised in other leading centres of arbitration, such as New York and Bermuda).
 In seeking to uphold the tradition of the English courts to support the arbitral process, Aikens J relied on the scheme laid down by the Arbitration Act to narrow the scope of the court’s power to invoke section 37 to restrain arbitral proceedings. It seems to be the case that the judge believed the same considerations should apply in the case where an injunction under section 37 is sought to restrain arbitration proceedings pursued outside England, Wales or Northern Ireland (i.e. arbitrations not governed by the Arbitration Act).
Certainly, there would seem to be no rationale for distinguishing between arbitrations brought here and those brought in other jurisdictions where the arbitrators have the power to rule on whether their arbitration ought to be stayed themselves. If that is so, then how will the courts here justify an injunction restraining an arbitration brought, say in New York where an alternative arbitration or proceedings had been commenced here (or, indeed, elsewhere in the EC). To refuse such an injunction, though, would be to conflict with the view of the House of Lords in West Tankers that the EC must be able to compete with other seats of jurisdiction around the world. How the English courts resolve this potential conflict of views remains to be seen.
[1] [2007] EWHC 571 (Comm)
[2] [2007] UKHL 4
[3] 代写留学生论文Section 37 provides: “(1) The High Court may by order…grant an injunction…in all cases where it appears to the court to be just and convenient to do so”.
[4] [2007] EWHC 266 (Comm)



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