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国际商务管理研究学士论文-资金压力增长及利息收入 Capital Stress Growth and Interest Income

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2012-11-11编辑:steelbeezxp点击率:4441

论文字数:1800论文编号:org201211111553503503语种:中文 Chinese地区:英国价格:$ 66



国际商务管理研究学士论文-资金压力增长及利息收入 Capital Stress Growth and Interest Income
-An internship thesis in Tianhe Sub-Branch, Guangzhou,P.R.China of China Construction Bank Co., Ltd.


https://www.51lunwen.org/InternationalBusinessManagement/ 如需这类专业论文辅导,可以联系QQ949925041

Bachelor thesis ithin International business management studies
Supervisor: Dr. A.G. Arnold
Second reader:   
Date: October 2011

Acknowledgements 致谢

  The author would like to express his gratitude to the people that have been a part of the development process of this Bachelor Thesis.

  First, the author would like to thank the interviewed employees at Tianhe Sub-Branch, Guangzhou of China Construction Bank for sharing their knowledge and providing valuable inputs to the evaluation. A special thank goes to Mr. Sam Xu at international department and Ms. Yin Liu at credit card centre.

  The author would also like to thank his dissertation supervisor Dr. A.G. Arnold, for the comments and feedback throughout this process.

  The author is responsible for the contents of this thesis. All eventual criticism should be directed to him rather than to the sources stated in this thesis.

Executive summary 综述

  In this thesis the relationship is examined between the concepts of ‘Capital Stress Growth’ and ‘Interest Income’. By reviewing historical theories and business cases about Capital Stress Growth and Interest Income in Tianhe Sub-Branch, Guangzhou of China Construction Bank, I come to the assumption that there are negative as well as positive relationships between Capital Stress Growth and Interest Income in the case of the China Construction Bank. I have used time series of annual data of the bank from 2005 to 2011 to conduct an insight research. By reviewing the former reactions of the bank to the monetary policy changes, I find that in the short term, if capital stress eases and allows extra amounts of monetary services for Tianhe Sub-Branch, Guangzhou, it will promote Interest Income increase. At the same time, if proactive fiscal policy occurs, Tianhe Sub-Branch, Guangzhou will get benefits from the good business environment and the Interest Income will increases. Once unconventional amounts of loan are released by https://www.51lunwen.org/InternationalBusinessManagement/ the bank industry, the People’s bank of China will probably shifts to prudent fiscal policy. Under implementation of prudent fiscal policy, loan scale will be fluctuating while asset structure and the loan quality of Tianhe Sub-Branch, Guangzhou is optimized by the policy change. In the long term, there is not a really obvious positive relationship between Interest Income and Capital Stress Growth as I expected. But efficient bank loans in a short period of time would promote Capital Stress Growth.

  The thesis is organized in five chapters. Chapter one gives a general introduction of my thesis, including background of the thesis company including, problem definition, research objective, the fishbone diagram and research questions; Chapter two gives a theoretical analysis for my study by reviewing previous theories and empirical studies. I firstly reviewed the definition of Capital Stress, instruments of Capital Stress and Interest Income respectively, and then I assumed there are three kinds of relati论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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