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Management Essay:蓝天航空公司的高级管理人员 [3]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2016-04-27编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:11117

论文字数:2071论文编号:org201604241702459715语种:英语 English地区:爱尔兰价格:免费论文

关键词:蓝天航空公司高级管理人员The Sky Airlines


oud to work in the company. Team-working between colleagues as well as with managers, communication and cooperation was excellent. Employees were considered as an important feature of the organization's success in terms of improvement in services. Organizational performance was further enhanced as employees feel fun to work in the company. All these factors contributed to the effective organisational performance of Sky Airlines and helped in making the employees motivated, excited, hardworking, confident, satisfied and determined. Sky Airline's culture also helped in enhancing the employees' abilities as well as contributed towards effective performance of other business aspects. The organization structure was flat as employees were involved in decision making process and given the power to make decisions on spot if required. It seemed like company was making good progress not only in relation to organizational performance in terms of effectiveness, efficiency or improvement but also financially as well as parties were organized and many benefits were provided to staff members.

Merger with Arrow proved disastrous for the employees of Sky airline which affected their performance. There was a sudden change in environment and the ways the business is carried out. Arrow Airline's culture was formal compared to Sky's informal culture. Arrow Airline stressed on the policies being followed strictly. Arrow Airline was technological superior and had more experience in the industry. Resource utilization was not efficient. There was not only change in culture but also change in organizational hierarchy. The employees working in the Arrow were mature but arrogant which contributed to the ineffective communication between the employees of both companies. Employees' satisfaction and motivation detoriated and declined as complexity and complication arose. Relations soured between the employees of both the airlines and there were continuous complaints against each other. The Sky Airline's management was also not cooperative in dealing with its employees queries and complains and employees continuously feel threatened of losing their job. This all resulted in loss of customer confidence and loss of luggage in additions to complains.

变更管理和建议——Change Management and Recommendations

Managing change successfully can benefit the Sky airlines in many ways. The company can respond faster to customer's demands, it can also help to align the resources within the company; change management allows companies to assess the overall impact of a change; Organizational effectiveness and efficiency is maintained or even improved by acknowledging the concerns of staff; Employee performance increases when staff feel supported and understand the change process (Burnes, 2009). The management of Sky Airlines must understand that managing change is not an easy task and requires a broad set of skills and expertise. The initial task to do is to assess the current organization position and evaluate the organizational performance by taking into consideration the current environment, the organisational structure, working patterns, organisational behaviour, employees' requirements and other aspects related to change(McCalman, 2008). Speaking to the employees and taking their views on change will reduce the resistance and conveying to them how change will bring in improv论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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