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Management Essay:蓝天航空公司的高级管理人员 [4]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2016-04-27编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:11118

论文字数:2071论文编号:org201604241702459715语种:英语 English地区:爱尔兰价格:免费论文

关键词:蓝天航空公司高级管理人员The Sky Airlines


ements helps in staff feel supported and satisfied. The important task that the management must carry out is to slowly and gradually change the current culture of the organization (Brooks, 2009). Lewin's three step model (Mullins, 2007) can be applied by unfreezing the current behaviour of the organization and creating motivation and confidence among employees. It takes effort to convince the disadvantages of the current culture. New attitudes and behaviours can be introduced in change step and finally refreeze it by reinforcing new behaviour different methods. An effective approach to change reduces the risks associated with change (Gonclaves, 2007). It can also provide a way to anticipate challenges and respond to these efficiently. The management must introduce cooperation between employees and encourage team working by providing benefits and rewards for doing the job well. The management must make sure to control all the aspects of the organization, resolve conflicts, and listen to complaints of the employees and tend to their queries. The management must keep in mind that if change is not managed properly it can lead to decline in organizational performance, constant conflicts, uncertainty, risks, reduction in productivity, and resistance from employees and failure to implement change altogether (McCalman, 2008).

When change is initiated in an organization, employees may be concerned and reactive if the change is forced rather than managed. The management can explain to the employees its change approach through a systematic way by justifying the need for change (Burnes, 2009). If possible, the management can engage employees in the actual decisions or activities needed to bring about the change. This can also help in reducing stress and any confusion. Through managed change, an organization can plan the procedures to implement the change and allocate resources. With the appropriate resources, any problems that arise before, during, or after the change can be quickly and efficiently addressed (Burnes, 2009). When a company manages change, communication is streamlined, more direct, and more effective (Mullins, 2007). The chance of success relies on effective and timely communications. Lastly the company can make good use of John Kottler's 'eight steps to successful change model' (Elearn, 2005). Each step recognizes a principle Kotter identified, relating to people's response and approach to change, in which people see, feel and then change. Kotter's eight step change model can be summarised into increasing urgency by inspiring people, making objectives; building a team by getting the right people with the right emotional equipment and at the right time and at the right mix of skills; getting the team to establish a simple vision and strategy and focusing on emotional and creative aspects necessary to drive service and efficiency; communicating, involving as many people as possible; removing obstacles and enabling constructive feedback and lots of support from leaders, reward and recognise progress and achievements; fostering and encouraging determination an persistence; encouraging on-going progress reporting and highlighting achieved and future milestones; and reinforcing the value of successful change via recruitment, promotion, new change leaders, and lastly weaving change into culture.


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