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Leading with spirit in today`s Organization Development(O.D.)-当今组织发展的精神领导

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-04-16编辑:caribany点击率:9805

论文字数:4060论文编号:org201404150913308235语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:Leading with spirit精神领导Organization Development组织发展spiritual leadership


Leading with spirit in today`s Organization Development(O.D.)-当今组织发展的精神领导

1 Introduction  引言

Along with the growth of global and international of the world economy, organization development(O.D.) in today has obtained its new definitions and advances. Nowadays, in both the field of research and practice, the idea of organization develoment is used by a high frenquecy in every business worldwidely(Friedman, 1994). Why there is a phenomenon for the organization development? If thinking reflectively, it is not difficullt to explain this phenomenon. 


As the organization has to face more chanllenges which come from external and internal elements of organization. The external environments are consist of social, political, cultural, economic and ecological elements. And the internal factors include the organizational marketing and positioning strategies, products exploiture and development, organization structure systems, finance management, human resource management and service strategies and so on. This each element has the potential power to decide the value and competition of organization.

However, in recent years, the management studies for the internal elements of organization have transformed their emphases into the increasing interest of the human mangement rather than a simple management of production, technology and finance. More and more leaders or practitioners believe that a flexible and successful human resource management could inspire and motivate enormously the standars of production and service quality. As a result, the human resourse management has became a key tache for overall organization development.

Leadership is a kind of academic lesson which holds the prestige and confidence among subordinations. It is a practical and not abstract and romance activity. As regards for the human resourse department, Hetcher(2002) expanded this notion into an argument that the human resource department provide the leader role of combining thr organization with a good organising and corporative people. The previous way of human resource management, hierarchy and pyramid management, is a basic model for human resourse department. This kind of management focus on the controls and obedience to the employees. It always limits enormously the innovation and motivation from the empolyees. The employees who work on their position could not feel the approbation of empowerment and the spirits of households(Walton, 1985). Maybe this is primary motivation for the popular notion of leading with spirit. Under this concept, the employees are not just called workers, they are kinds of important resource since they have knowledge, capabilities and skills which could improve the achievement of organizational value and goals. So the human resource practitioners or managers cherish and value the significance of people in the organization. This management is humanistic and more easy acceptable by the employees. Due to this value of people, Marjorie have considered the rold of human resource department in organization as one key and power论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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