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论文作者:51lunwen论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2008-05-18编辑:点击率:8383

论文字数:2769论文编号:org200805180856213518语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:$ 33


PARADIGM IN RESEARCH OF SOCIAL SCINENCE What’s paradigm ?Paradigm is the object of the collective commitment of the scientific community. It may be symbolic generalization, also can be quite abstract, metaphysical paradigm. It may also be a value group that is owned by members of the community ,even the typical paradigm accepted by the members of the academic community at the same time. In ordinary linguistic usage it is perfectly clear what a paradigm case of something is: it is a patently clear unambiguous example of something. The whooping cough is a paradigm case of a disease; it is an uncontroversial case that appears incontestable. On the other hand alcoholism is not. Some would argue that alcoholism, while it is conducive to the onset of various forms off organic deterioration, and it is a condition for which there may well be physiological, possibly genetic markers of a predisposition to alcoholism, is not itself a disease. Such critics tend to take the same line with all so-called addictions. They are not diseases but moral faults, the moral fault being weakness of will. And the way to deal with weakness of will is not with medication, therapy, or rehabilitation, but with discipline and punishment A paradigm case of something is a case which would be perfectly suitable for giving someone an ostensive definition of that thing; a non-paradigm case would not. For example if you wanted to teach someone the meaning of the word ‘disease’ whooping cough is a perfectly good example; alcoholism is not. The idea that paradigm exists in natural Science is recognized by everyone. But natural scientists find it difficult to admit the orders exists in phenomenon of social sciences . Such as Kuhn,Kuhn’s own background was in the natural sciences, especially physics, and he developed his account of scientific evolution, and particularly of the embrace and abandonment of theories, with an emphasis on the traditional natural sciences. Indeed some forty years ago he wrote that he doubted that there was yet any paradigm, in his preferred sense – of which more is to follow – in any of the social sciences, although he thought that eventually this might change. It is important to notice that the sciences Kuhn is concerned with are the natural sciences, although we should also be aware that aspects of his work, including the notion of a paradigm, have been liberally applied in the social sciences: so much so that new researchers are commonly asked to identify which paradigm they are working within. This is despite Kuhn’s reluctance to extend his account beyond the natural sciences, and his serious doubts, expressed in the 1960s, that any of the social sciences had yielded a paradigm, and his reservations about thinking that it was even appropriate to use the concept in relation to the social sciences. This reflected Kuhn’s belief that there was a sharp discontinuity between the natural sciences on the one hand and the social sciences on the other. The reason about it is that the order can not be expressed with the language of natural science. Even if we use this language to the define its elements , this order is invisible, what’s more, the units which put up the orderly patterns show no common in natural attributes. It is such an order: Things play a role in it in the same manner, for it means the same things to people. If we do not consider the same or different seem from the people which are in action, but accept论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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