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加拿大哲学论文 哲学家德里达的解构主义思想分析 [5]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay登出时间:2014-11-20编辑:Cinderella点击率:14644

论文字数:4875论文编号:org201411191922442196语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文



span>It seemed Miralles agreed. He wished to make the building return to the people of Scotland [49] . To do this he applied three main techniques. There is no monumental structure; no dome or clock tower, and the building is large but said to never dwarf the buildings surrounding it. This means that the building seems more welcoming and humane, a building for everyone. A gathering place is created, so that the public can congregate like in the European squares or piazzas [50] and the debating chamber is formed in an arc to present an image of political parties standing side by side. Unlike in Westminster where opposing political parties are sat literally opposite each other [51] , encouraging a head on confrontation, Miralles’ debating chamber is a model of conciliation and consensual exchange designed to blur the boundaries between political parties. [52]


To create a national Identity within architecture for Scotland, we must know who the nation is. Miralles’ displaced this question into the landscape, from which there are many influences to draw from [53] , he believed that within every serious Scotsman was a romantic [54] and that there was a historic, almost umbilical link between the Scots and their land [55] . He therefore took influences from leaves, twigs, boats, fish, and the Salisbury crags that meet with the site.


These forms can be seen in the building, for example the leaf shape of the garden lobby skylights and the oak ‘twigs’ that screen the entrance and the MSPs windows.


The overall design seems fragmented, and it appears that there are five main components to the complex. These consist of an office building for MSPs, the glass-roofed garden lobby; the grade 1 listed refurbished Queensbury House, a series of towers with the plan of upturned boats and the landscaped area [56] . They are unified by Enric Miralles familiar architectural language and a common pallet of concrete, stone, stainless steel and oak applied in different registers. [57]


The overall composition dances this way and that like a city built over time to no predetermined shape presenting a picturesque outline which must be contemplated from different angles to try to understand the fluid high density and labyrinth organisation of a metropolis. Being so low and complex Dewar thought it would never be summarised by a single iconic image [58] . But it does create a sense of ceremony and nationhood.


It presents an ideal for the parliament in that it is non-hierarchical [59] and although it is bold and loud is at a very human scale. Its plan is like a university micro-campus [60] , which encourages the idea of separate structures joined together and focused on a working environment. These metaphors are representations of how a democratic parliament should be [61] . A symbol of nationhood that is welcoming.


The building speaks of Scotland in its curvilin论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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