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The Importance and Prospect of e-Supply Chain in the Logistics

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2011-05-05编辑:anterran点击率:5668

论文字数:2969论文编号:org201105051442098593语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:$ 132

关键词:Importance and Prospecte-Supply Chainthe Logisticsfundamental promise

(I) Proposed Title
(II) Introduction
(III) Brief Literature Review

the Evolution of e-Supply Logistics
Current Implementation
      Prospect Forecast
(IV) Methodology and Timetable
(V) References
(VI) Conclusion
(I) Proposed Title
The Importance and Prospect of e-Supply Chain in the logistics


(II) Introduction
The fundamental promise of e-commerce is to empower the customer. In transportation, logistics and other "behind the scenes" aspects of e-代写留学生论文commerce, new services and capabilities are beginning to fulfill this promise, not just for Fortune 500 companies but for small and medium firms and for those with specialized requirements as well. These solutions range from "e-logistics" auctions and marketplaces, through software and support tools available over the Internet, including a whole new category of Internet Logistics Operators. The supply chain is made up of all the activities that are required to deliver products to the customer - - from designing product to receiving orders, procuring materials, marketing, manufacturing, logistics, customer service, receiving payment and so on. Anyone, anything, anywhere that influences a product’s time-to-market, price, quality, information exchange, delivery, among other activities is part of the supply chain.
Consider that e-Supply Chain is digitally connecting the entire world into one big (very big) network of supply chains. Trillions of dollars a year of business-to-business commerce is being conducted on the Internet, which is many times the amount of business-to-consumer (Amazon, E-Bay, etc.) transactions. The growth estimates for the next few years for business-to-business e-logistics are astounding. Most would agree that nothing in business approaches has hit so hard and so fast as e-logistics.
This article outlines some of the latest developments in this fast-moving field, and provides background and context to better understand the value of e-supply chain in the logistics today and identify the prospective trend.

(III) Brief Literature Review
the Evolution of e-Supply logistics
Freight exchanges and auctions. Historically if you needed to ship product from your New Jersey location to a new customer in Oregon, you had to identify carriers that serve that market, contact them each by phone to outline your needs, wait for price and service quotations, check their references, and then select one of them to handle your shipment - a time consuming, often manual process. Many individual carriers have established their own websites, of course, but accessing them one at a time is a time consuming process and does nothing to increase the competitiveness of the overall marketplace. Using transportation.com, GoCargo.com or many others you can now enter your requirements on-line and then receive price quotations from a number of participating carriers simultaneously, make your selection, and issue the purchase order, all on a quick and easy electronic basis.

(V) References

Magretta J. 1998. The Power of Virtual Integration: An Interview with Dell Computer’s Michael Dell. Harward Business Review, March-April 1998, pp.73-84.

Murthy S., Rachlin, J., Akkiraju R., Wu F. 1997. Agent-Based Cooperative Scheduling. In Constraints & Agents. Technical Report WS 1997-97-05. 代写留学生论文Menlo Park:AAAI Press.

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