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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2015-12-30编辑:lgg点击率:5461

论文字数:38569论文编号:org201512291142043465语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:$ 33



Chapter One Introduction

1.1 The Background of the Study
Among the five basic language learning skills (listening, speaking, reading,writing and translating), listening plays an important part to obtain information, and itis the process of understanding speaking as well. According to studies, 8%of one’sdaily life communication is devoted to writing, 17%to reading, 30%to speaking, and45%to listening. As can be seen, listening skills are more frequently used by people indaily life. However, listening comprehension has received limited attention in Englishteaching in China compared with the other language skills. There is an obviousphenomenon that some senior students, who have learned English for more than threeyears, are still feeling hard to communicate with others in English. Most of themspend lots of time on understanding what others said during talking with people. Thiskind of situation is mostly caused by deficiency of listening ability and learningstrategy.What has caused thus awkward situation? It has been known that learningmethods determine learning effects to some extent. In order to find the primary cause,the author will present the model of traditional English listening teaching. Intraditional classroom teaching, teachers usually work as “cassette players”. At first,teachers usually turn on the recorder and ask students to listen carefully. After listenthe text for one or two times, teachers ask students to complete exercises in thefollowing, and then check the answers and play the tape again to allow students tocheck their understanding. Generally, teachers play the tape several times withoutnecessary explanation, and those unfamiliar words or phrases may miss. In the nexttime, students will also get lost when come across the same matter. Most of teacherspay much attention to the result of listening, but overlook the process of teaching,which occupies significance part in learning and teaching. This teaching model mayresult in that students retain on the original level of listening. Cohen pointed out in2000 that learning would be high efficiency if students are trained to become aware ofand flexible utilize a wide range of strategies during the whole language learningprocess. When language teaching contains strategy training, students can learn notonly language content but also the way to master a foreign language. Listeningstrategies can facilitate listening process. Students can improve listening ability whenthey are provided with the necessary tools.

1.2 Significance of the Study
There is evidence that meta-cognitive strategies take up crucial position inlistening teaching. In the past two decades, many researchers have carried out a widerange of studies both at home and abroad on listening comprehension strategies(Anderson, 1988; O’Malley and Chamot, 1990; Vandergrift, 1996; Bacon, 1992; andRubin, 1994; etc.). Many studies have researched listening strategy and proficiency ofsecond language learners, however, due to the different classification of strategy andassessment tools, findings from previous studies are difficult to compare. Therefore,there is clear need for further research to examine the relationship between listeningstrategy and proficiency in Chinese setting. At present, the number of the study onmeta-cognitive strategies applying in English listening is increasing. But most of themare centered on the cases of university students. The st论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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