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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2024-05-08编辑:vicky点击率:260

论文字数:33522论文编号:org202404151121317071语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:$ 33




Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Research

With the new College Entrance Examination English reform and thepromulgation of High School English Curriculum Standards(2020 edition),therequirement of pragmatic competence has been improved to some extent.One of theconcrete manifestations of language proficiency is writing.Writing not only refers tothe ability to use language knowledge,but also involves students’personal readingand learning habits,interests,cultural basis and logic ability.As a new type ofquestion in the 2019 college entrance examination,it is an effective way to helpimprove the pragmatic ability of high school students.Continuation writing is aneffective way to help improve the pragmatic ability of high school students.It requiresstudents to carry out writing by combining the story with text reading.It provides a350-word reading passage and asks candidates to continue writing(about 150 words)based on the content of the material,with the beginning of the given paragraph andthe key words marked,and candidates develop the two sentences into a completepassage with a logical plot and a complete structure.Generally speaking,high schoolstudents will face a series of problems such as not knowing how to develop ideas andgrasp the direction of reading texts when dealing with the new question.According tothe author’s own experience,teachers can classify mistakes according to thecharacteristics of different class types in high school,and then teach studentsaccording to their aptitude.

The author worked as an intern in Grade Two of Wuhan Development Zone No.1Middle School.This grade has been enrolled in the class of liberal arts class andscience class in November 2020 and will be the first batch of students after the newcollege entrance examination reform to take the college entrance examination in 2023.The author collected the composition materials of the English monthly exam inSeptember,October and December of Class 2(pure liberal arts class)and Class 12(pure science class)of the high school Grade 2 to analyze the influence of science orliberal arts learning on writing.The author believes that only the data of pure liberalarts or pure science classes at the same level are persuasive and more effective forcomparative analysis.However,the author found that every month the Englishperformance of the science class will be better than the liberal arts class,and theconventional idea-while liberal arts students are good at literature,science studentsare good at mathematics-is somewhat inconsistent.Therefore,the author hopes tocarry out a study to find out the reasons behind it.


1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research

This study explores the factors that affect the level of continuation writing,compares and analyzes the different characteristics presented by different classes tohelp English teachers clearly understand the possible problems and potential causeswhile teaching continuation writing,and explores some teaching strategies for highschool English teachers to narrow the gap between art students and science students inEnglish writing.

1.2.1 Purpose of the Research

The main purpose of this study is to find out wha论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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