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英语学习师生支持、自我效能和交互投入的关系思考 [2]

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2023-10-14编辑:vicky点击率:474

论文字数:43633论文编号:org202310081904191448语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



l,this thesis shows the promise of conceptualization of learning engagement at amicro level.Investigating learning engagement with the tenet of a social cognitiveview of EFL learning processes will contribute to validating and enriching relatedtheories.With regard to the research instruments,the revision of the InteractionEngagement Questionnaire that is suitable in the context of Chinese college students’EFL learning would present valuable theoretical implications for further interactionengagement research.In the discussion section,this thesis interprets the underlyingmechanisms by which teacher-and-peer support and self-efficacy influence interactionengagement,in combination with some theories,such as attachment theory andperson-environment fit theory,in order to provide theoretical guidance for boostingstudents’self-efficacy and interaction engagement.In respect of coping mechanisms,this thesis attempts to encourage teachers and peers to give more emotional supportand academic help to college students in order to strengthen their ability to perceivesupport and their self-efficacy.In this way,college EFL learners can moreinteractively engage in language learning.In summary,the current study helpseducators to understand further the relationships among teacher-and-peer support,self-efficacy,and interaction engagement in college EFL learning,which is of utmostsignificance for facilitating foreign language teaching and learning.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Studies on Teacher-and-Peer Support

2.1.1 Key Terms of Teacher-and-Peer Support

(1)Social Support

Social support can be defined as individuals’perception or actuality of generalsupport or specific supportive behaviors from people in their social network(Cobb,1976).Researchers have found that social support encompasses a variety of sub-constructs.From a popular model of social support proposed by Tardy(1985),suchsupport resources comprised four types,namely emotional or caring support(e.g.,parenting),assessment support(e.g.,advice),instrumental support(e.g.,services),andinformational support(e.g.,provision of coping strategies).According to Xiao andYang(1987),social support consists of two aspects:objective support(or tangiblesupport)and subjective support(or emotional support).Sarason et al.(1990)viewedsocial support as a broad concept consisting of received support(support perceptions)and perceived support(a receipt of supportive behaviors).Although differing inclassification,most scholars have concurred that social support,whether presentedvisibly or invisibly,can be perceived by individuals through feeling the love andrespect of others.

(2)Teacher-and-Peer Support

Since teacher-and-peer support is regarded as an essential source of socialsupport in students’school life(Ghaith,2002),it can be identified with theindividuals’perception or actuality of general support or specific supportive behaviorswhich come from teachers and peers.Consistent with the classification of socialsupport,teacher-and-peer support can be divided into perceived teacher-and-peersupport and received teacher-and-peer support.The assessment of perceived teacher-and-peer support is a common choice because perceived teacher-and-peer support isreported to be more determinative of students’health and performance than receivedteacher-and-peer support(Chen,2008).

2.2 Studies on Self-Efficacy <论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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