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加拿大留学生市场分析类论文:黄金时代的终结 [4]

论文作者:meisishow论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-09-17编辑:meisishow点击率:14857

论文字数:2983论文编号:org201409162030362075语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文

关键词:golden eramarket黄金时代中国房地产SOHO中国property markets


economic hinterland and logistics services.Port of Antwerp has perfect traffic network, water transportation and intensive highway, railway, the core of land transportation links up, form the perfect transportation network, guarantee smooth transport of goods.And the port of Rotterdam can shipping the goods within 24 hours, through the comprehensive transportation system arrived in France, Germany, Britain and Belgium and other major European countries.

Multimodal transport can also help customers to reduce logistics cost.In the Antwerp port, logistics service provider of the whole logistics chain optimization idea has generally reflected in the specific implementation of port logistics.Independent of the active here with forwarding companies, shipping companies and shipping companies operate for each batch of goods to choose the best logistics route, and the overall arrangement of the whole logistics operation, organization, implementation and management, for the logistics activities of each link to find the best solutions, so as to meet the special needs of each customer.

Makes the development of inland container shipping to enter the logistics system for inland city towards opening, cooperation between region and region, resources configuration have very good effect.Rotterdam with road, rail, barge, such as container transport, Europe's largest container terminal, its loading and unloading process control completely with computer.The inland water container transportation has low freight (10% lower than the railway, roads that are lower than 30%), the advantages of goods delivery time is accurate.

The port of Rotterdam and Antwerp highway, waterway and railway transportation system more perfect.The port of Rotterdam can shipping the goods within 24 hours, through the comprehensive transportation system arrived in France, Germany, Britain and Belgium and other major European countries.Port of Antwerp, Belgium and Europe of inland water transport network is linked together, each year about 52000 ships inland barge traffic, port more than 90% of the total cost of the goods belong to international transshipment cargo, has become a truly international cargo warehousing and distribution centres.

Port logistics for the promotion of port industry, gave rise to different industries, port internal adjustment of industrial structure.At the same time, because of the port industry to expand and ascend, and the change of the structure, the hinterland of the regional economic structure is optimized.

The port of Antwerp closed warehouse with a total area of 4.8 million square meters, a large part of the warehouse is designed according to the special requirements of certain users, management of warehouse distribution companies to provide labeling, assembling, quality inspection, inventory management, after-sales service and other high value-added logistics services.Manufacturers through the logistics business entrusted to the professional logistics service company, will be able to focus on core business, and strengthen the competitive power of the enterprise.The segmentation by industry on the one hand, expand and enhance the industrial structure, on the other hand provide a good service for the enterprise, promote enterprise's core business development and technology improvement.Through 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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