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加拿大留学生市场分析类论文:黄金时代的终结 [5]

论文作者:meisishow论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2014-09-17编辑:meisishow点击率:14858

论文字数:2983论文编号:org201409162030362075语种:英语 English地区:加拿大价格:免费论文

关键词:golden eramarket黄金时代中国房地产SOHO中国property markets


refining industry, the development of the enterprise for the development of regional economy provide a good development model and development space.

Not fully implemented as long as the world trade liberalization, discriminatory or discrimination, the rules of origin will continue to exist.As an important policy tool of rules of origin played an important role in the trade in goods.With the rising status of service trade, rules of origin is introduced into service trade field gradually.By first sez mechanism of CEPA and the bilateral free trade agreement signed with other countries, rules of origin of service trade has carried on the preliminary exploration and practice, but studies of rules of origin in the field of trade in services should also be constantly deepen and expand.China's service trade competitiveness is not strong, structural imbalance, in the face of the complicated international trade in services, market order in China's service trade is difficult to accept the case of the full-scale free competition, open only in the appropriate service market in China under the conditions of trade protection.Develop and implement service trade rules of origin is a feasible way to trade protection policy.

Not fully implemented as long as the world trade liberalization, discriminatory or discrimination, the rules of origin will continue to exist, and as the rising status of service trade, rules of origin is introduced into service trade field gradually.Trade in services is introduced into the core of the rules of origin to by identifying the nationality of the service provider to determine whether they can enjoy preferential market access and national treatment.Due to the wide range of trade in services, the situation is complex, the need for gradual exploration and practice to form a more perfect rules.

International trade in services refers to the international service way of input and output of a trade.International trade in services as established on the basis of new technology revolution and industrial upgrading of the emerging industries, to promote the industrial structure has a huge effect, it has increasingly become the engine of to promote national and world economic growth.After world war ii, especially since the 1990 s, the international service trade development is rapid, liberalism, the impact on the international economy growing.It's strong growth is the inevitable result of economic globalization and capital internationalization.In today's world service trade liberalization has become an important part of the economic globalization and regional economic integration.

Service is essentially a commodity, as there is also a country of origin and trade in goods.Service trade rules of origin refers to the countries to identify the products in the international trade in services originated from countries or regions of the specific laws, regulations and administrative decision.Under the WTO framework, the service trade and merchandise trade constitute the cornerstone of international trade.Trade in services is one of the wto rules, the main content of the framework specification.But in the rules of origin of the theory research and practice, countries tend to focus more on trade in goods, no enough attention to service trade.The WTO 'agreement on rules of origin are also applies only to trade in goo论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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