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论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:建议书 proposal登出时间:2011-03-03编辑:anterran点击率:7284

论文字数:1241论文编号:org201103031032564874语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文


1,length:you should write approximately 1,000 words
2,sources: you are expected to use at least 5sources of information, at 代写澳大利亚论文least one of which should be a journal article, you should not use more than two websites per five sources

3,quotations: there should be at least one direct quotation and some paraphrases in your essay
Ecotourism is gaining both recognition as a sustainable way of taking holidays and market share. Award-winning tourist operator Terry Maloney argues that "people, planet and profit" need to be kept "in balance". Describe the advantages and disadvantages of ecotourism and the ways it differs from ordinary tourism. Evaluate the extent to which it successfully maintains Moloney's balance between "people, planet and profit"?
Introduction 100~150字
Body 700~800字
Conclusion 100~150字
Reference 若干字

The research of ecotourism
1. introduction
1.1 ground of ecotourism or general statement
1.2 thesis statements
2. body
2.1 advantages and disadvantages of ecotourism
2.2 comparisons with ordinary tourism
2.3 The Evaluate of the Moloney's balance between "people, planet and profit"

Introduction (100字~150字)
The introduction consists of two parts – the background ,or general statement, and the thsis statement(which may include a preview).
1,The role of background is to :
A, introduce the topic in an interesting way.
B, introduce the scope of the task set by the lecture.
C,define key term (where necessary)
2,The role of the thsis statement(which usually comes at the end of the introduction) is to :
A,stste the main focus (or foci) of the task set.
B,list the subtopic of the task(optional).
C,mention method of organisation(optional).
The earth’s supply of non-renewable natural resource is diminishing so scientists have seen the need to develop different sources to provide power for the future. One of these sources is the sun, which can provide the earth with all the power it needs for millions if not billions of years. Although there are many benefits of using solar power, there are also some difficulties. This essay will explain the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy as a future energy source.

Body (700字~800字)
好像要有at least one direct quotation and some paraphrases in your essay,但direct quotation 不能太多字,100不到吧,要写出处的。
Conclusion (100字~150字)
The conclusion paragraph of an essay has two functions:
1,to summarise what has already been said
2,to effectively end the essay
Conclusion should consist of three parts, a transition signal or discourse marker, a statement of view or position and a summary of the essay’s body
In short, although the twentieth century has indeed given some people a lot of advantages by making them richer, healthier and freer to enjoy their lives, it has not necessarily made mankind wiser. The twentieth century has also made planet earth dirtier, people less humane, and their spiritual lives poorer. People wish to continue to enjoy the benefits of technological advancement because that leaves them free to pursue other internets and goals. However, a concerted effort must be made by everyone to preserve the natural environment for future generations. Moreover, people need to take time to make their lives more meaningful in this increasingly impersonal, mechan论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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