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澳洲课程作业:基于关联理论的隐喻翻译的研究 [4]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2014-08-13编辑:yangcheng点击率:14784

论文字数:5317论文编号:org201408061223502252语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



or baby quilts, yet I just don’t seem to be getting a visit from the stork.


Here if without explanation, readers are very likely to be confused with that image of stork, they do not know the relationship between stork and child, so this concept is totally strange to them. Because of the explanation the acceptance of metaphor is established.

3.0 Relevance Theory and Translation

3.1 Problems of Translation

Translation offers unique opportunities for cross-cultural communication, but it also has important limitations which –if ignored, may endanger the success of translation. The causes of failures in translation are varied, ranging from misunderstanding of the original to insufficient mastery of the receptor language. In the literature by far the greatest attention seems to be given to matters of language difference, that is, to problems that arise from lexical and structural differences between languages. Textbooks on translation thrive on examples where translation failed because the differences between the languages had not been observed properly by the translator, and there is little point in either reproducing those examples or adding new ones to the list. (Gutt 2000: 179)

The most obvious and most commonly acknowledged limitations are those imposed by the linguistic differences between source and target language. These differences may make it very difficult, if not impossible in places, to achieve the intended degree of interpretive resemblance. Hence the actual resemblance may fall short of expectations and may also vary at different points in the text. One of the consequences of these difficulties is that the translator will do well to inform–where relevant–both his/her client and the target audience about such limitations in appropriate ways.

The other major difficulty is that of contextual background difference; though it often affects the success of the translation at least as much language differences, its full significance seems to have been recognized by few practioners and theoreticians alike. No matter what the translator does in the translated text itself, the understanding of the target audience will crucially depend on the context in which it processes it. This context-dependence is built-into human nature and affects translation as much as it does any other form of human communication.

3.2 Features of Relevance Theory

The theory of conversational implicature has opened a new way of explaining the use of language, and caught the attention of linguists immediately. However, there is some inconsistency and redundancy among the cooperative principle and its maxims.

Based on cooperative principle,relevance theory was proposed by Sperber and Wilson in 1986 in order to improve Grice’s theory. They attempt to reduce Grice’s conventions to a single principle: be relevant. Since then, the relevance theory has been widely discussed in the field of cognitive pragmatics during the decades. In the theory, utterance communication is a kind of cognitive activity includi论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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