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澳洲课程作业:基于关联理论的隐喻翻译的研究 [7]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2014-08-13编辑:yangcheng点击率:14782

论文字数:5317论文编号:org201408061223502252语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



> 白居易 《琵琶行》

Hubbubs and whispers crisscross alternately,

Like pearls, large and small, falling on a jade tray nosily.

Translated by Tang Yihe(2005:327)


白居易 《琵琶行》

Now like the oriole’s liquid notes

From’neath the flowers, the cadence floats;

And now with gentle murmuring

It babbles like a running spring.

Translated by Xu Yuanchong

The two lines describe the sweet and melodious music played by Pipa. In the two lines, there are four metaphors. Translators retained images of the source language, but rendered three of them into similes with the indicator “like”. The word “like” is used to make the implication clear and guide target readers to correct processing procedure and make them pay less processing efforts to comprehend the metaphor. So translators transfer the explicature of metaphor in the poem to its implicature, namely, they transfer the poet’s intention which is unacceptable for he target language readers to the completely acceptable version. Translators successfully transfer that the music played by Pipa like “large and small pearls falling on a jade tray nosily” suddenly turned to be like “the oriole’s liquid notes”, and then became “a turning spring with gentle murmuring”. With these metaphors. The poet offered us a spectacular context expressed by the Pipa music. In the translated version, due to the strange metaphorical description of music in target culture, translators take the target readers’ cognitive environment into consideration and rendered the metaphors into similes, reducing the processing efforts and difficulty in comprehension for the target readers. Though the translation by such a method, the target readers can recognize the poet’s informative intention successfully. With the help of relevance between the information and context made by the similes, the target audience would further grasp the communicative intention of poet to describe the super techniques the super techniques of playing Pipa after their relevant processing efforts.

4.2 Overt Translation

House adopts a functional equivalence approach to translation, that is, the translation should match the original text in function, where ‘functional’ is to be understood as “the application or use which the text has in the particular context of a situation” (1981: 37) Now in that framework the notion of ‘covert translation’ occupies a special place because covert translations are in fact the only ones capable of actually achieving ‘functional equivalence’, the main goal of the theory:

It is only in case of covert translations that it is in fact possible to achieve functional equivalence. (1981: 204)

By contrast, the other major type of translation is called ‘overt translation’, necessarily falls short of this goal:

In the case of overt translations, the achievement of strict functional equivalence is, in fact, impossible; a second level function 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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