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澳洲商务洽谈中的委婉语:Euphemism in business negotiation [3]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-08-06编辑:yangcheng点击率:16497

论文字数:5106论文编号:org201408061232232598语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文

关键词:Euphemismbusiness negotiation商务英语商务洽谈


and closely connected with the taboos. They are also called 'traditional euphemisms'. With deflating and diminishing, and offsetting from everything that people prefer not to deal with directly in language. In many cultures, it is disallowed to pronounce the name of God, so there are euphemisms such as “Geeze', 'Gee' or 'Grepers creepers' for 'Jesus'. The ancient Greeks transformed the Urines into the Euminides (the kindly ones or the affable ones) or Erinyes (the honor ones), in western culture, the direct mention of Satan is also tabooed: the good of man, the great fellow and so on. The names of the dead and of animals that are hunted or suspected are also euphemized in this way in many cultures.

2.2.2 The unconscious euphemism and conscious euphemism

Whether positive or negative euphemism, can be separated into two classes-unconscious and be conscious by Hugh Rawson, which is based on whether people remember the original motivation. The unconscious euphemisms refer to those of which original denotations have been forgotten by people for a long time. Take 'indisposition' for example: the original meaning of the word is 'incapacity to deal with something.' and its euphemistic meaning is 'slight illness or ill health' [8] which has been frequently used for a long time that people hardly think of the original meaning.

Conscious euphemisms are different. When people use euphemism, it will lead people to understand the double meaning: the euphemism stands for something else. For example, in a dinner party of commercial affairs, a lady stood up and said that she wanted to powder her nose. We should think that her intention is purpose and she doesn't mean to be dishonest by really going to the 'ladies' room '. In a word, euphemisms like this standing for 'something else', but everyone prefer to believe that 'something else' doesn't exist. It is essentially duplicitous nature of euphemisms that makes them appealing to those people who have to hide, who find it convenient to lie about what they are doing.

2.3 The meaning and significance of politeness

In the 1980s, following Gice (1975), after the principles of cooperation, Leech in its 'pragmatic principles” come up with the principles of politeness (the Polite Bess Principle), the language used to explain the principles for cooperation in a range of hard to explain linguistic phenomenon. He said: 'In order to explain language used in some areas less regular session on the need to expand the meaning of the concept of Grice, to include at the least politeness.'

Leech's politeness principle includes the following six criteria.

(1) Tact Maxim

To minimize the cost of others to maximize the benefits to others.

(2) Generosity Maxim

To minimize the benefits of their own to maximize their own pay.

(3) Approbation Maxim

Try to narrow the criticism of others, try to exaggerate to others

(4) Modesty Maxim

Try to narrow their praise, try to expand on his criticism.

(5) Agreement论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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