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澳洲商务洽谈中的委婉语:Euphemism in business negotiation [4]

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-08-06编辑:yangcheng点击率:16540

论文字数:5106论文编号:org201408061232232598语种:英语 English地区:澳大利亚价格:免费论文

关键词:Euphemismbusiness negotiation商务英语商务洽谈



Try to narrow the different views with others tries to exaggerate the same views with others.

(6) Sympathy Maxim

Try to shrink the disgust of others, try to exaggerate their own compassion for others. Leech explained to the politeness principle (other factors being equal) the expression of as little as possible 'impolite beliefs.' The so-called 'faith is the polite listener or a third party on the negative' belief and 'favorable' and 'bad' you need to put up a different scope to measure pragmatic. Therefore, the core of Leech politeness: 'to make their own benefit minimum, maximum damage; the greatest benefit to others, damage to the minimum.'

From the statement of politeness maxims, we can understand that Leech's pp concerns a relationship between two participants, self and other. According to him the first four maxims, from two pairs of 'bipolar scales, the cost-benefit and praise-dispraise scales' respectively, while the other two maxims deal with 'unipolar scales: the scales of agreement and sympathy.'[9] He contends that not all the maxims are equally important: it appears that Tact Maxim is more powerful compulsion on conversational behavior than Generosity Maxim, and Approbation Maxim than Modesty Maxim. Hence, he suggests that 'politeness is focused more strongly on other than on self.' [9]

Leech put forward his PP to rescue the CP from this serious trouble. 'It is for this reason that the PP can be seen not just as another principle to be added to the CP, but as its necessary complement.' [9]

In short, Leech's Politeness Principle is the core of their disadvantage as far as possible. Politeness principle of cooperation can be seen as complementary, and the politeness principle Leech saved is the proposed of cooperation. To some extent, compared with the principles of cooperation, politeness has a broader scale.

3. Application of Business English Euphemism under Politeness Principle

3.1 The use and relation of euphemism and the politeness in the different business areas

In the business, euphemism and politeness principle are the important parts of communication. The both sides have the relation of the mutual help. If you don’t want to hurt other people by your words in the commercial affairs center, you would follow the polite principle. If you want to follow the polite principle, you should speak by euphemism words. So, the dense of both sides may not divide. There were some different areas of business, which need euphemism and politeness. Including to commerce; social status; social communication; commercial. And the social communication includes death; physical illness; old age; occupation; poverty.

In business communication, it is very common to result in the failure due to the misnomer or a rude word causing misunderstanding. It is the most common means to express politeness by the language. Because good manners is the premise of establishing the relationships and cooperation. The smooth development of business depends on the good social relationships. The conduct of business communication will be in serious difficulties without a stab论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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