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餐厅业务及营运计划 Restaurant Business and Operations Plan [2]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2017-05-27编辑:cinq点击率:12175

论文字数:2000论文编号:org201705271158024236语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:business plan留学生作业营运计划

摘要:本文是留学生作业business plan范文,主要是针对斯德利西亚斯餐厅的经营内容提供一份完整可行的营运计划。

wine cellar, I would like it to be also visible to the guests so they can see our wide variety and how beautiful a wine cellar can be. Tablecloths, plates, glasses and silverware will also be simple, very modern and spacious to provide the 'look' for my plates.

A study conducted in Britain in 2003 among the restaurant owners showed that the restaurants can increase their profit margins by playing classical music within the restaurant while customers eat. This is because diners spend an average of 10% more per meal while listening to classical music than while listening to other forms of music such as pop music. A restaurant which has no music is unlikely to record high sales because the customers are likely to be bored and this reduces their spending. The ambience of a restaurant is a very important aspect. At Delicias, clients will expect to have a nice time, where they eat delicious food and relax. Therefore, my clients will enjoy a nice classic music while they are eating and bounding.

Delicias will focus on soups/salads, appetizers and entrees. Salad recipes will be used to provide the customers with a diverse and unusual menu. Delicias has also realized the demand of the customers in San Diego for healthy dishes and will be providing a wide mix of healthy food to meet this demand. The customers around San Diego like going out with their friends and family members to places where they can relax and get entertained and are willing to spend money to get these services. Therefore, I want an American style so they can feel comfortable like if they were going to eat at home, but with the touch of fine dining. The touch of fine dining will be giving by the ambience, decoration and food presentation.

Several items will be given to the customers as collaterals. The aim of these items will be to ensure that the customers are assured of the quality of the service and products the restaurant offers them. The collaterals will also create a good relationship between the management, the employees and the customers. Some of the collaterals which will be given include printed menus, business cards and gift cards.

Marketing Plan
An effective marketing plan will be drafted and implemented and will comprise a combination of local media and the restaurant marketing programs. The in-store marketing programs are considered more effective because they will be utilized at the restaurant while having direct contact with the customers. This will include the use of table tents, in-store tour given to every new customer, outdoor marquee message changed weekly, wall posters, yearly birthday parties and grand opening celebration. Other media will be engaged once the restaurant expands. For example, Radio campaign will be used to advertise our products and services and the management will make live presentation on the radio about its services. Newspaper campaign will also be used to place several large adverts throughout the month to explain the restaurant concept to the customers in San Diego. The best form of advertisement will be word of mouth. The restaurant will attract more customers by providing quality and healthy food within a cool and entertaining environment to the customers. The prices will be affordable and the food will be served in a clean and friendly environment. Emails containing interior pictures of the restaurant will be sent to prospective custom论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。
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