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计算机网络留学生论文-云计算的作用和意义 [5]

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 dissertation登出时间:2014-07-31编辑:felicia点击率:34192

论文字数:14721论文编号:org201407282302474909语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:云计算Cloud Computing信息分享资源分享distributed resourcesdivided possessions


Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) is an on demand infrastructure delivery services. In this host of computing servers, softwares, and network equipments are provided. This infrastructure is used to establish platform to develop and execute software. Subscriber can cut down his cost to bare minimum by avoiding any purchase of hardware and software components. Subscribers is given quite a lot of flexibility to choose various infrastructural components as per the requirements. Cloud subscriber controls the maximum security features.

Figure illustrates the differences in scope and control between the cloud subscriber and cloud provider.

Given central diagram shows the five conceptual layers of a cloud environment which apply to public clouds and other deployments models

The arrows at the left and right of the diagram denote the approximate range of the cloud provider's and user's scope and control over the cloud environment for each service model.

Cloud subscriber's extent of control over the system is determined by the level of support provided by the cloud provider. Higher the support by cloud provider lower is the scope and control of the subscriber. Physical elements of cloud environment are shown by two lower layers of the diagram. These physical elements are completely controlled by cloud provider irrespective of the service model. The facility layer which is the lowest layer comprises of Heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), power, communications, and other aspects of the physical plant whereas hardware layers comprises of network , storage and other physical computing infrastructure elements

The logical elements of a cloud environment is denoted by other layers

The virtualized infrastructure layer lead to software components, such as hypervisors, virtual machines, virtual data storage, and supporting middleware elements required to setup a capable infrastructure to establish efficient computing platform

While virtual machine technology is commonly used at this layer, other means of providing the necessary software abstractions are not precluded. Similarly, the platform architecture layer entails compilers, libraries, utilities, and other software tools and development environments needed to implement applications. The application layer represents deployed software applications targeted towards end-user software clients or other programs, and made available via the cloud.

Iaas ans Paas as services are very close and difference between them is quite vague. Basically these are distinguished by the kind of support environment, level of support and control allocation between cloud subscriber and cloud provider. Main thrust of cloud computing is not only limited to single organization but also extends as a vehicle for outsourcing various components as public cloud.

Delete the reason of the event. Position the latest clean back up (to prepare for the computer mending)

Step 5: Recovery: This phase ensures that the system is returned to a fully operational status. The following steps should be taken in the recovery phase: Restore the system.

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