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A Comparative Study of Yellow and 黄

论文作者:英语论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2010-03-11编辑:lisa点击率:14115

论文字数:19166论文编号:org201003111052364020语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文

关键词:yellow“黄”comparative studycultural connotations

Abstract: We live in a colorful world. There are a great variety of color words, or a large number of expressions denoting the sensation of colors used to describe the colorful things in the world. As a group of cultural-loaded words, basic color terms reflect cultural diversities in the aspects such as minds, customary habits as well as color orientations. English and Chinese, as languages with a long history, are both abundant in basic color terms, and almost all the basic color terms carry their own peculiar connotations resulting from different social cultures, historical processes and geographic conditions. With the deepening of the cross-cultural communication between China and the western world, it has been realized that basic color terms form an area in which misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication seems inevitable because of the diversities of their cultural connotations. Therefore, a contrastive study on cultural connotations of basic color terms between English and Chinese is of significance. At the same time, yellow and “黄” are respective. So it is important to study them.
Yellow 与黄的对比研究
A Comparative Study of Yellow and 黄
We live in a colorful world. There are a great variety of color words, or a large number of expressions denoting the sensation of colors used to describe the colorful things in the world. As a group of cultural-loaded words, basic color terms reflect cultural diversities in the aspects such as minds, customary habits as well as color orientations. English and Chinese, as languages with a long history, are both abundant in basic color terms, and almost all the basic color terms carry their own peculiar connotations resulting from different social cultures, historical processes and geographic conditions. With the deepening of the cross-cultural communication between China and the western world, it has been realized that basic color terms form an area in which misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication seems inevitable because of the diversities of their cultural connotations. Therefore, a contrastive study on cultural connotations of basic color terms between English and Chinese is of significance. At the same time, yellow and “黄” are respective. So it is important to study them.

Ⅱ. The same common points on color words
  For the effect of generality and permeation between cultures, nations in the world often endow a certain color with a same symbolized meaning. Generally speaking, green is called the color of life, showing the vitality of youth and vigorous life; red is an ardent color, meaning joy and happiness; white is clean and elegant, with the meaning of being pure, simple.
  Another example is the flag of international Olympics. There are six different colors on the flag. The bottom color is white, symbolizing the pure friendship and straightforward competition between nations. Five color rings link with each other in the carter: the blue one stand for Europe, yellow for Asia, black, Africa, green, Oceania, and red for America ( 张安德,2002:86 ).Linking with each other symbolizes the unity of five continents. This f论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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