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网络及社会资本的影响分析 Networks and Social Capital Influence

论文作者:meisishow论文属性:职称论文 Scholarship Papers登出时间:2014-07-12编辑:meisishow点击率:12308

论文字数:5436论文编号:org201407081737537457语种:英语 English地区:新西兰价格:免费论文

关键词:NetworksSocial CapitalInfluence社会资本网络



In recent decades, the factors which influence the markets and the entrepreneurs have attracted many scholars’ attention and research. As the development of human culture and technology, the entrepreneurs’ management and markets become more complex. Networks and social capital are special capital of the entrepreneurs, which affects the entrepreneurs to great degree. At the age of global economy, it is common that the competition of entrepreneurs becomes more intense; the emergence and the bankruptcy of new entrepreneurs are normal alternation. How an entrepreneur can accentuate a person's strengths rather than managing their weaknesses is a hot topic.

In Networks Information Ages, there is no doubt that networks influence and support entrepreneurs. Many advantages and disadvantages of networks surfaced. If the entrepreneurs understand how to balance the role of networks, they may gain considerable benefits. People come to be aware that the foundation of the development of economy is the entrepreneurial activity. At the background of economic transformation, the effect of entrepreneurs' networks on the growth of enterprises has been a hot issue attracting attention from enterprises and public. A variety of networks lead to diverse methods to get benefits. Social network is the most important external influence because entrepreneurs always need obtain information, capital, and emotional support from their social and business networks. It is known that networks cover all the factors of the development of the entrepreneurs’ business including information and opportunities. Information is double-edge sword for the relationship between cooperation and competition. The formal business networks lead to the benefits and development of the entrepreneurs directly and the informal networks including social acquaintances may cause formal cooperation subtly. Every entrepreneur will face the decisions which cause life and death for the enterprises. The results are up to the entrepreneurs’ capital, networks or social capital. In the past, the social capital is not a new sociological concept but there is not a proper definition which can please all. But people can understand its literal meaning that it refers to a person’s social status, assets, interpersonal relationship. Social capital is concerning interactive mode which can be used to share knowledge, understand each other and expect the future. And the group made up of individuals uses this mode to finish frequent activities. (Coleman, 1988; Putnam, 1993) Social capital was vulgarized by Putnam (1993) and analyzed by others for its influence on development, resource management, and tertiary industry in different societies. Many authors describe an entrepreneur is a person who has possession more than a company, enterprise, and is responsible for significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome (McClelland, 1961). The word is a loanword from French, “Entrepreneur” which was first defined by the Irish economist, Richard Cantillon (1775). According to Schumpeter (1954), an entrepreneur can be argued an individual who efficiently and effectively confront four main and significant factors: land, labor, capital and company. An entrepre论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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