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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2013-08-19编辑:lgg点击率:5417

论文字数:39600论文编号:org201308191315436604语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66



Chapter I Introduction

1.1 Background of the Present Study
学习有困难的学生,已经引起了越来越多的世界各地的教育工作者和学者的关注。各种调查表明,有大量的学生每个国家在基础教育中的学习困难,这些学生和这个问题有各种不同的,已经严重阻碍了教育的发展。他们办学质量和效益上发挥明显的不良影响,甚至造成一系列的社会问题,如青少年犯罪,以及防止经济改善。从这个角度来看,解决学习困难的问题,已经成为一个国际问题。英语学习困难是学习障碍的一个分支。然而,英文科的特殊性和重要性,把它变成一个更具吸引力的位置。这可以看出,从3方面:Students with learning difficulties have drawn an increasing amount of attentionof the educators and scholars all over the world. Various surveys showed that, there isa large number of students who have different kinds of learning difficulties in thefundamental Education in each country,these students and this problem has hinderedthe educational development seriously. They exert much side influence on theeducation quality and efficiency, and even cause series of social problems likejuvenile crime as well as prevent the economical improvement. From this point ofview,solving the problem of learning difficulty has already become an internationalissue.English learning difficulty is just a branch of learning disability. However, thespecialty and importance of the English subject has put it into a more attractiveposition. This can be seen from 3 perspectives:
首先,看到英语的地位和作用,我们知道,英语是最普遍使用的语言在世界上,不能超过其国际意义的任何其他语言。至少,在最近一个时期,没有语言可以采取的居民委员会英语。更重要的是,由于高速国际化而且由于中国已成为WTO的一员,中国的国际地位正在上升。现在,即使是一些不识字的父母都知道,学好英语是至关重要的为他们的孩子,他们急于要求自己的孩子掌握这种语言。他们也知道,社会喜欢的人才应该是精通英语。虽然英语学习困难已经摧毁了很多学生和家长的梦想,当然,老师会为他们叹息。因此,无论是从学生自己和父母,或从教育的角度来看,英语研究,仅有一名同时参与英语学习困难,它必须被放在非常重视First, seeing from the position and role of English, we know that English is themost popularly-used language in the world,its international significance can't besurpassed by any other language. At least, in recent times, no language can take theplace of English. What's more,because of the high speed of internationalization andsince China has become a member of WTO, the international status of China isascending as well. Now,even some illiterate parents are aware that learning Englishwell is vital for their children,and they are eager to require their children to masterthis kind of language. They also know that the talents the society prefers should beskilled in English. While the English learning difficulties have destroyed the dream ofmany students and parents,and of course teachers will sigh for them. Therefore,whether from the perspective of students themselves and parents, or from that of theeducators, the English learning difficulties have to be involved in English research, atthe same time, it must be placed on much emphasis
Second, it has much to do with our national quality-oriented education. Chinahas promoted the quality-orientated education for many years. The quality-orientededucation is the education open to all students, and definitely includes the largeamount of students with learning difficulties. Anyway, these students cannot be giveup. The goal of quality-orientated education is to optimize and help those slowstudents, so as to develop all-round students. If these students can't be helped andtransformed effectively, the objectives of quality-oriented education will be in vain.Hence we must confront and solve the problems that slow students have.
At last, the whole society requires us to face the learning difficulty. The middleschool students are almost the only child of their family,they are princes or princesses school students are almost the only child of their family,they are princes or princessesat home. They grow up in a relatively superior envir论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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