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代写assignment:including references, but excluding e-cover page

论文作者:留学生论文论文属性:建议书 proposal登出时间:2011-01-18编辑:anterran点击率:2905

论文字数:5124论文编号:org201101180924209325语种:英语 English地区:美国价格:免费论文


关键词:The assignment代写assignmentincluding referencesbut excluding e-cover pageHarvard Referencing System

The 代写assignmentMax 2500 words including references, but excluding e-cover page, the table of contents page and appendix (1 original questionnaire/focus group protocol as appendix, plus tables, charts, graphs, outputs)
Skoda and one more
Use of reference materials: 60% must be recent, no later than January 2008.
At most 5 academic (theoretical) refs; where to find them: Fill’s book (and other text books), ABI Inform (e.g. in Journal of advertising Research, J. of Advertising, J. of Consumer Research, J. of Marketing Research).
Harvard Referencing System
Submit by U-link only, no paper copies!!
You will be assessed on:
The depth and relevance of your research
Your analytical skills
Your objectivity in identifying problems and limitations
Your presentational style
Primary research
Choice of at least two methods    - surveys (questionnaires)   - focus groups     - observation      - interviews
Sampling: size (30 to 60 for surveys), attempt to make it representative of population if you do a survey
Questionnaire - example
Closed and open-ended questions
Start with easy, non-threatening items
From general to specific
Brand identification/recognition
Brand attitude (liking, value....)
Preferred choice and why
Unprompted advertising recall
Prompted advertising recall
Last part – demographics

Individual scalesFocus Group – interview of more than one individual
The researcher introduces the topic to the group
The researcher sets rules
Each participant makes an opening statement regarding their experience of the topic
The researcher guides the open group discussion by asking questions
In each round, everybody has to voice her/his opinion about the specific topic
The session ends with each person giving final statement that may not be challenged
Aim for a homogeneous group, 8-10 people
Data analysis
Simple for closed questions (i.e. for scales) (averages & proportions; comparison of averages & proportions across two brands and/or across different demographic groups).
More challenging for open-ended questions. Use “Coding”. Try to find themes. Example: Why do you like Pepsi best?      Taste, Availability, Advertising etc
Make use of charts to present results
Aaker, Kumar, Day: Marketing Research (on the supplementary readings list)
Fill: Chapter 17 (4th edition)
E-Cover page
Contents page (with page numbers)
Introduction (2 paragraphs)
Literature review and market overview
Research methods (½ page)
Analysis and discussion

E-Cover page
Contents page (with page numbers)
Introduction (2 paragraphs)
Literature review and market overview
代写assignmentResearch methods (½ page)
Analysis and discussion



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