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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2016-01-12编辑:lgg点击率:4000

论文字数:38569论文编号:org201601111248499573语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:$ 66


摘要:本文是大学英语教学论文,本文以认知语言学为理论背景、四川外国语大学 30 名大一大二学生为被试,对其进行写作测试(写作题目来自 CET-6),以了解其写作现状;在以 EBC 认知模型(Event-based Construal Model)为教学模型对其进行十个小时的写作训练,最终以前测的题目为题重写一篇作文进行评阅。

Chapter One Introduction

1.1Research Rationale
Writing has been taken as a very important skill in language learning. Writing inEnglish learning has been regarded as a significant aspect in the cultivation of foreignlanguage and a key step for foreign language teaching. As a result, much attention hasbeen caught to the study of how to improve students’writing ability.However, writing is not just a simple process to combine different words orphrases together, while it also refers to a complex psychological and cognitive process.Consequently, writing has become a key but difficult part in the teaching of foreignlanguage, and how to teach foreign language writing forms a great challenge toteachers.In the previous studies on EFL writing, many scholars and researchers hasdiscussed the teaching of writing from the perspectives of Writing Teaching Approach,Second Language Acquisition, and Systemic Functional Linguistics. Undeniably, theyhave made many achievements. Still, they have got many inadequacies. First, thediscussion on how to improve students’writing ability and quality is not enough at all,and more emphasis is laid on the product. Second, functionalists have attached muchimportance to cohesive devices, but the frequent use of cohesive devices can notnecessarily contribute to a coherent composition. Third, thematic progressionultimately can not explain students’cognitive mechanism in writing, etc.

1.2Research Objectives
With the development of cognitive science and Cognitive Psychology, CognitiveLinguistics (CL) witnesses its prosperity. CL aims to discuss the relations amongreality, cognition and language, and brings a new insight into the explanation oflinguistic phenomena and into teaching of foreign language.Many scholars and researchers have done quite a lot of studies in the teaching offoreign language on the background of CL. The perspectives they have taken includethe Prototype Theory, the Principle of Cognitive Reference Point, Figure and Groundand the Metaphor View. It is unquestionable that they have made many contributionsto the cultivation of students’ cognitive ability in their foreign language learning.However, few scholars have turned their attention to Construal Theory, let alone itsapplication into the foreign language teaching.Obvious to all, construal is not the only one cognitive method, but the key one. Inorder to gain beautiful linguistic expressions, it is a must first to get the very clearideology on what should be put into linguistic mode. Consequently, construal incognition should go first in foreign language teaching. As a matter of fact, thelinguistic expressions embody the construal elements to different degrees, like scope,background, prominence, specificity and perspective. Those construal elementscontribute to diverse expressions, the analysis of topic and the discourse coherence,which are considered as the key factors to produce a beautiful article. This paperassumes that the three factors can be embodied and improved under the framework ofConstrual Theory.

Chapter Two Literature Review

2 .1 Nature of Writing
According to The New Oxford Dictionary of English, the term “writing” means“the activity or skill of making coherent words on paper and composing text,” “theactivity or occupation of composing text for publication,” “books, stories, articles, orother written works,” 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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