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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:课程作业 Coursework登出时间:2016-01-17编辑:zhaotianyun点击率:10604

论文字数:4178论文编号:org201601091917431400语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:cross cultural性别定型国际比较策略


International And Comparative Stratigies



在这个不断变化的业务环境中,为了获得竞争优势,知识的应用程序成为了一个关键因素,包括各种组织能力和学习,因此迫切需要拓宽人力资源的管理功能。拥有先进的人力资源管理作为组织实现增长的主要因素。(Baron A and Armstrong M. ,2007)随着全球化的到来,我们走进信息时代,因此组织需要不断进化为了管理本身的新技术和人员管理变化的担忧。



Human resource management (HRM) ranges from acquiring training, appraising employee to their health and safety concern in an organization. It can also be quoted as management towards the employees working in the organization. In today's business environment employees are treated as most valued assets of an organization and thus the main motive of the human resource management is to manage these valued assets in a way so that these assets can be utilized in creating the value for the organization.

The Human Resources Management (HRM) helps in high performances and ensures that various regulations are met at personnel and management levels.

To gain competitive advantage in this ever changing business environment, application of knowledge becomes a critical factor and to encompass various organizational capabilities and learning's there is a dire need in to broaden the human resource management functions. Human Resources management has advanced as a major factor to attain growth for the organization. (Baron A and Armstrong M. ,2007) With the advent of globalization we steps into an era of information and thus organizations need to evolve continuously in order to mange itself with the new technology and changing concerns in managing people

With all the above mentioned things, critical issues have emerged in US work stations - which range from acquiring and retaining to the development of human resources, continuously changing with the issues prevalent in the work place and above all trying to fit a strategy which can deal with internal conflict. All these issues need to be dealt with deftness keeping in mind the criticality of these issues in keeping the momentum of the economic recovery.

So our aim here would be to gain knowledge of the HRM issues which can impede organizational growth and thus find the possible means by which we can nullify the impact of these issues in the organization

Major issues prevailing in Human Resource Management in the U.S.

员工投入——Employee Engagement

Employee satisfaction is a measure of organizational productivity and profitability but also the employee engagement forms the major factor of measuring organizational performance. Employee is said to be engaged when he performs the roles and responsibilities assigned to him with discipline and dedication and show commitment towards the organization by staying into the organization for a longer duration of time. Organization that works on increasing the employee participation and hence the engagement has to work on many factors including making better culture for work and performance in the organizat论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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