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论文作者:英语论文论文属性:硕士毕业论文 thesis登出时间:2016-03-10编辑:lgg点击率:5462

论文字数:38273论文编号:org201603091147407820语种:中文 Chinese地区:中国价格:$ 33



Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study
With the advent of knowledge-explosion economic era, knowledge as a vitalinvisible resource has become foundation of creating wealth as well as effectivestrategy for individuals and organizations to tackle challenges and sustaincompetitiveness. Therefore, how to manage knowledge effectively has aroused greatconcern among the practitioners and academicians. Meanwhile, it is knowledgesharing that bears the core and key part of knowledge management.There is no doubt that schools tend to be typical organizations characterized byknowledge which gets spread and innovated in them. The development and progressof schools, to some extent, depends on knowledge resources, the most significantfortune possessed by teachers. In this sense, whether teachers can effectively manageknowledge plays an indispensable role in the long run of Educational development.Therefore, the study of knowledge sharing among teachers can be seen as aninevitable result of social and educational development. As is stated by Wu Minglie(2002), a scholar from Taiwan, teachers’ knowledge sharing can enhance their abilityof problem solving, and thus promote professional growth among teachers by sharingknowledge they possess and absorbing knowledge they get. In addition, a series ofstudies made by Zheng Huizhu (2005), Jiang Liqi (2008), and Liao Haogui (2011)suggested that there is significant correlation between knowledge sharing and teacherprofessional growth. Consequently, the study of teachers’ knowledge sharing hasinjected new impetus to teacher professional growth which is the premise and basis ofeducation development.

1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study
College teacher professional development or growth refers to the process ofmastering essential knowledge and skills required in practice during each stage ofteaching career. (Ye Lan, 2004) In this sense, teachers are not only those who absorb,spread, and use knowledge, but those who innovate , which means that teachers tendto be knowledge carrier in education while knowledge becomes learning resource inthe course of TPG. In addition, TPG needs the flowing and updating of knowledge,which can be quickly realized through knowledge sharing within limited time.Therefore, knowledge sharing provides easy access for teachers to enrich theirprofessional knowledge and to promote their professional competence.On the basis of the above analysis of the current background and necessity ofresearch on knowledge sharing in TPG, the thesis aims to make up for the deficiencyof previous studies in both research depth and scope. In the course of summarizing theliterature, it is found that most of the existing studies stay at theoretical levels, whichare merely restricted to such aspects as concept and connotation of knowledge sharing,analysis of barriers and influencing factors and so on. On one hand, knowledge sharing strategy proposed from former studies seems to be over theoretical, whichattaches much attention to school level rather than its practical application amongteachers. Additionally, the role of knowledge sharing strategy playing in TPG isrelatively ignored. On the other hand, empirical studies were mainly limited to thelevel of elementary teachers, neglecting the voice of teachers in higher educationallevels. Moreover, researchers at present adopted only quantitative way, namely,questionnaires, to implement their study 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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