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论文作者:meisishow论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2014-10-09编辑:meisishow点击率:7974

论文字数:3178论文编号:org201410011958081986语种:英语 English地区:英国价格:免费论文

关键词:决策Decision营运资本Making ProcessesSimpson决策布朗·辛普森




Indulging oneself in a business venture is an edgy undertaking that principally begins with major decisions and risk takings. From the arrival of an idea or thought itself, one assumes the necessity to reach a goal by means of a return on what is being invested upon. Thus, in the context of financial management, it all begins with a single idea and an inevitable will of realizing pronouncements, often called a financing decision. Within this process, one cannot easily justify the compensations to be made without providing key materials and equipments, workers, suppliers and other day-to-day expenses usually funded by the working capital, termed as short-term cost. These initial objectives of ensuring availability of cash to returns of investments, to the steady flow of cash is said to be the dynamics in business financing. As McMenamin put it, creating wealth for the shareholders, by increasing the value of their investment in the business, is the central goal of financial management. This goal tends to be stated more formally as the maximisation of shareholder wealth, and all financial decisions are assumed to be directed towards this goal (3).

These perceptions alone can portray the many crucial tasks one has to make, that even breakthroughs on the creation of new flavors for ice cream or a sugar with less calorie content need not to underestimate. As such, the business opportunity presents a viable fact that one cannot fathom the ignorance to be inconsiderate on the environment affected by the presence of such business.

On the other hand, Simpson and Brown may have thought of the all the decision making processes they have invested in their companies from the time it had started. It cannot be denied that both have earned their adversities yet, this single product ingredient has raised predicaments on their industry. These processes in financial management alone might have contributed to the decisions they made regarding asbestos. They have already the layering grounds of such that it has become a foundation to promulgate possible prospects and future profits. As mentioned, one goal of any business industry is to maximize wealth through increased profits from a short-term to a long-term value—and it could certainly diminish if not properly handled.

Meanwhile, it is undeniable that their decisions might have prospered to a criticism about potential liability and social responsibility. William C. Frederick included in his book a statement from the Social Responsibilities of Business Corporations, issued in 1971 by the Committee for Economic Development, that: “The earliest and most enduring normative formulation has emphasized the responsibilities of business corporations to those affected by a company's decisions and policies. From the beginning, it has been felt that business has fiduciary duties and oblig论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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