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论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:作业 Assignment登出时间:2013-09-13编辑:yangcheng点击率:5356

论文字数:1544论文编号:org201309122230584796语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文



在中国历史上,常常把师与君相提并论,这时的老师自然成为统治阶级的代表,师生关系实质上是一种宗法关系。“师道尊严”的传统的观念一直影响到今天,树立了具有权威性的师生关系的典型-------老师中心。当前  教育史上出现了要求以“新的中心”代替“旧的中心”的观念,强调学生的自由发展把学生理想化,片面强调学生的主动性  ,而且贬低老师的主导地位,从一个极端走向另一个极端,使师生关系从“老师中心”而跃到“学生中心”,这都成为建立师生关系的障碍。

In Chinese history , the teacher and the king is often compared , then the teacher will naturally become the representatives of the ruling class , teacher-student relationship is essentially a patriarchal relations . " The dignity ," the traditional concept has affected today , and establish a relationship between teachers authoritative ------- typical teacher center. Appeared in the history of the current Education requirements of " new center " instead of " old center " concept , emphasizing the students' freedom to develop the students idealized , one-sided emphasis on student initiative , and to belittle the teacher's dominant position, from one extreme to another one extreme, the teacher-student relationship from the "Teacher Center " and jump to the " student Center ", which have become an obstacle to establish teacher-student relationship .


Interpersonal communication is the exchange of information between people , is to maintain and develop interpersonal basic means . Between teachers and students to make effective interpersonal communication between students and teachers to exchange thoughts and feelings , enhance mutual understanding and to avoid conflicts and students , and promote the formation of a good teacher-student relationship . However, because both sides between teachers and students in the knowledge , experience, emotions, attitudes , age, social background , there are differences , the same information may have different views , thus , there will be one kind of interpersonal communication disorder that affects a good teacher student relationship building .


How can we establish a good teacher-student relationship is the current school education is an important issue facing the traditional teacher-student relationship is no longer suited to the requirements of the rapid development of society , is not conducive to the growth of students . Seriously affected the effectiveness of the education . Therefore, as educators , teachers should I start with students with practical actions and the establishment of democratic equality, love student , teacher- student relationship good . A good teacher-student relationship can enhance students' creativity and group cohesion , thereby improving the quality of teaching .

Teacher preaching Tuition FAQ process, a great deal of interpersonal relationships, the relationship is one of the important teacher-student relationship . The objective between teachers and students , there are some problems and conflicts , we need to be dealt with appropriately so that the harmonious development of this relationship . Modern educational thought tells us: Only a harmonious and healthy relationship between teachers and students will be willing to accept education, is likely to be trained as 论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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