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论文作者:英语论文论文属性:学术文章 Scholarship Essay登出时间:2014-11-09编辑:zcm84984点击率:11029

论文字数:4413论文编号:org201411062248004544语种:中文 Chinese地区:马来西亚价格:免费论文

关键词:教育学技术应用EducatorEducation EssayTech Technology



随着技术的出现,探索感知教育者的技术恐惧和探索恐惧是否是他们关于技术的看法的潜在因素就成了基本的事情。一项调查是根据下列问题来探究中等教育工作者以及对他们的分析:1) 是什么阻碍了教师在班级中使用技术?2)老师接受电脑方面有性别差异吗? 3)教育者在使用技术方面有信心吗?研究结果表明,男性和女性都有信心使用技术,但都不愿意由于如缺乏资源或者没有获得适当的培训这些其他的原因而去使用技术。




Educators Willingness To Use Technology Education Essay
With the advent of technology it is fundamental to explore the perceived “technophobia” of educators and to find out whether fear is the underlying factor behind their views regarding technology. A survey was conducted with secondary educators and analyzed for their content in the light of the following questions: 1) what prevent teachers from using technology in their class? 2) Is there gender differences in Teacher computer acceptance? 3) Are Educators confident in using technology? The findings shows that both males and females are confident is the use of technology but are not willing due to lack of resources and no proper training acquired amongst other reasons.
Ours is a fast developing world with the flux of information and technological evolution. The use of educational technology, also known as Learning Technology is by no means limited to overhead projectors, calculators, and laptop computers. It is an array of tools that help enhance a student’s learning.
Advantages on the use of Educational technology
In the aims to develop in the learner knowledge and skills to empower the latter in the field of technology, it is thus a fundamental issue to include the use of technology in the open social system defined primarily as the school system. Studies have also shown that the use of technology as a support of a lesson enhance the thinking & expertise in formulating and solving problems. However, the underlying question is how far our teachers are willing to use technology in their classroom?
Interpretations of Educator’s view on technology
The first interpretation considers the individual traits of teachers on the extent to which they take up an innovation. This leads to different approaches. Some teachers are found to be early adopters and some come to an innovation late.
The second interpretation reflects teacher’s attitude which include computer anxiety and technology acceptance. According to Russell & Bradley (1997), teachers would show low level of competency in technology use. Another interpretation shows that males were witnessed to be more confident and technophile vis-à-vis the females. This perception highlights the need to obtain a more balanced view of the Mauritian situation, by diagnosing the “technophobia “of teachers. Is it really a question of fear to use technology and overcoming it? Are there gender differences in computer acceptance by our educators? What prevent teachers from including technology in class? Are teachers willing to use technology if they are provided with all the facilities?
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