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微格教学的现实意义和效果分析Microteaching practical significance and effects analysis

论文作者:www.51lunwen.org论文属性:短文 essay登出时间:2013-10-29编辑:yangcheng点击率:4534

论文字数:1392论文编号:org201310191047331991语种:英语 English地区:中国价格:免费论文


摘要:现代社会对教师的要求不仅仅只停留在原有的教学模式上,更要求他们掌握现代的教学的模式。当今教学技能的核心已经是现代的教育技术。但是,在当今师范生教学技能的培养中占最大比例的仍然是传统的教学技能,而忽视了现代教学技能,很少涉及到现代教学技能方面知识的传授 。


In the past, Teachers Colleges Students' Teaching Skills for skills training process , they will impart knowledge and skills to develop mutually separated, which directly undermines skills with close links between knowledge . While that in order to show consideration for the development of basic academic disciplines and in-depth discussion and understanding of the contents requires learners to have a certain level of abstract thinking more deeply , but this is still some content makes us feel about chemistry teaching theory related research and a more in -depth discussion is too abstract , people feel he seemed far away from our most important Educational reform, making itself becomes boring. At this stage, struggling in the forefront of teaching primary and secondary school teachers and about to become a teacher 's college students, they will not only want to hear us talk about college teachers on top of these boring things [ 8 ] . Higher education institutions are now normal curriculum of education, psychology and related curriculum theory , these programs have a common problem is that they have stressed that we have learned the logic, and the lack of experimental research, practical problems for education can not be used to analyze and resolve , but he also ignored the information even if the culture of teaching skills , I feel like this course it can not reasonably effectively improve Normal Students in Normal Colleges and related literacy teaching skills . This resulted in higher normal school graduates is difficult to obtain recognition of the school candidates , and thus will affect the students' employment .


Microteaching is a very effective way to improve students' teaching ability , students can observe through micro-teaching to teaching in their own shortcomings and problems , and make changes to correct them , through constant repetition over and over again to improve observation corrections their teaching skills. But at this stage because of higher learning more and more normal students , but the lack of micro classrooms , a direct result of the students' lack of exercise , not really play the role of micro-teaching [ 9 ] .


Educational practice can be said to be the most in college students' teaching skills can improve a program , so the higher normal university should give considerable attention . But now many higher normal colleges teaching practice there are many problems such as the time a short time, less time internship class, the students , without professional guidance and so on. These problems directly caused the students to improve teaching skills of low quality .

Modern society demands on teachers not just stay on the original mode of teaching , but also require them to master the modern mode of teaching . The core of today's teaching skills is a modern educational technology already . But in today's Students' Teaching skills training accounted for th论文英语论文网提供整理,提供论文代写英语论文代写代写论文代写英语论文代写留学生论文代写英文论文留学生论文代写相关核心关键词搜索。

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